Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 924: Disciple!

"Liu Shan." Xiao Chen was taken aback. Isn't that the Heavenly Star Continent, Dan Bao is the master of the pavilion? He did join the Dan pavilion at the beginning, but he didn't expect that he could enter that space.

"I don't know where their little girls are now." Xiao Chen thought in his heart.

"By the way, what is the relationship between you and my master?" Xiao Feng asked.

"Ling'er is my daughter." Xiao Chen said.

"What, my master is your daughter!" Xiao Feng said in shock.

"In that case, I have become your master and you have become my disciple." Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Feng amused.

Xiao Feng's face was circled.

"Do you have any evidence that my master is your daughter."

"Does this kind of thing need to be proven?" Xiao Chen spread his hand: "My daughter Tian Ling'er is a genius in alchemy, Tian Yue'er is a genius in inscriptions, Tian Ying'er is a genius in controlling beasts, and Tian Gui'er is Genius in formation, although I know nothing, but there is no way, my daughters are all geniuses."

Xiao Chen said triumphantly, while Xiao Feng's open-mouthed boss couldn't help but stammered: "What are you talking about, Tian Yue'er, Tian Ying'er, Tian Gui'er, it's all Your daughter!"

"Huh? Do you know them?" Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Feng with some surprise.

Xiao Feng swallowed fiercely and said: "I don't know them, but Zhao Changfeng, the president of the Inscription Guild, Yu Guang, the president of the Beast Control Guild, and Gao Yang, the president of the Formation Guild, all have the same people as me. Experience, and their master is the three names you said."

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was surprised. Except for the inscription space, he had entered the other two spaces directly. He didn't expect the four of them to unknowingly accept four great apprentices.

"A few of our old friends often sit and chat together. Our experience is almost exactly the same, and the names of the masters are a bit similar. We are still surprised. We did not expect that they are all your daughters." Xiao Feng was also completely shocked. Because Xiao Chen's face is indeed somewhat familiar, and second, these names are not known to anyone in Xianyu except for them. It is also for these two reasons that he believes that Xiao Chen has not lied.

"System, what the **** is going on?" Xiao Chen couldn't help but asked in shock.

"The system is omnipotent and omnipresent." The system replied pretentiously, Xiao Chen was unable to complain, but he also knew that the system would not answer his questions.

"Xing'er, where are they now, do you know?" Xiao Chen thoughtfully contacted Xing'er.

"They are in the immortal world, but this sect feels that here. There is also a younger sister."

"What? There is another sister, who is it?"

"Tian Yier."

"Huh? Another new sister?" Xiao Chen was a little mad, "Xing'er, can you tell me how many sisters do you have?"

Tian Yue'er, Tian Ying'er, Tian Ling'er, Tian Gui'er, Tian Kui'er, plus Tian Xing'er, he already has six daughters. By the way, there are also inexplicable Tian Dao'er, and Tian Yan'er, although Tian Yan'er called him grandfather, but they were all about the same age. If you want to count this way, he already has eight daughters, and they all become dads.

"I don't know, this sect has only recently recovered its strength to perceive the existence of Tian Yi'er. If Xiao Chen's father wants to know how many younger sisters there are in this sect, then increase his strength as soon as possible."

Tian Xing'er's words made Xiao Chen very helpless, and now it's no use tangling these things, Xiao Chen raised his head to look at Xiao Feng, and said, "Old man, since you are my disciple and grandson, let's help Master Zu be a little busy."

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