Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 916: Go to the frontline battlefield!

"Not bad." Xiao Chen checked the map, which marked many locations and the strongest strengths of each location.

"This map is accepted by this sect." Xiao Chen put the map in his hand, and a pure white flame suddenly appeared from his right hand, and said to the flying monster: "This fire can activate the blood in the body, do you want to try it?"

"Activate blood?" Several people were taken aback.

"Second Master." Xiao Chen glanced at the Fire Wolf.

"It's the Sect Master!" The fire wolf's aura changed, and he transformed into a giant wolf directly. Looking at the appearance of the fire wolf, the four monsters' expressions changed.

They naturally saw the strength of the blood of the Fire Wolf at a glance.

"Can it really activate the bloodline?" Su Jingyu asked in disbelief.

"Is it necessary for this school to lie to you?" Xiao Chen said, and the four lotus of creation fell on them.

"There is something to do in this sect, if there is something, you can notify this sect through the sound transmission note!" When the voice fell, Xiao Chen sat directly on Xiao Qing and headed to the nearest orc residence.

The sound transmission note was left by Chu Yunmeng before he left, so it is very convenient to use.

A few hundred miles away from the village, there was an orc residence, and the flying monster map marked that there was only one Immortal Emperor Sixth Layer.

However, mosquitoes are also fleshy when they are young. After Xiao Chen came to the top of the station, he felt the breath of a dozen fairy emperors.

The **** of dominance directly shot, and a huge palm print fell, shaking the mountain and screaming again and again.


Several angry voices rushed up, but the answer to them was a sword light.


Several orcs had not figured out what was going on. One was killed by a sword, several were burned to ashes, and one was directly slapped to death by Xiaoqing!

After several fairy emperor orcs were all beheaded, Xiao Chen and Xiao Qing disappeared directly into a stream of light.


The raging clouds in the wild mountain, the four monsters and the Flame Mountain joined forces, and the forces in the entire wild mountain began. The various forces in the wild mountain were frightened. The Four Monsters and the Flame Mountain were originally a deterrent, but now the two parties have joined forces and it is a catastrophe.

At the same time, Xiao Chen also shuttled through the wild mountains according to the map given by the flying monster, whether it was fairy beasts or orcs, the immortal emperor realm that died in his hands had been hundreds, and Xiao Chen also directly broke through to the nine levels of Xianzun.

But want to complete the promotion task, still too far.

"It seems that you have to go to the frontline battlefield, otherwise you want to complete the promotion task, and you don't know it will be the year of the monkey."

Although there are a lot of orcs in the Wild Mountain, they are all small squats. It is impossible to complete the task if you want to kill the immortal emperor realm powerhouse on the Wild Mountain.

Xiao Chen wiped out the last resident on the flying monster map and returned directly to the Blaze Mountain. After changing the resources collected by the Blaze Mountain to a high-level one, after talking with Su Jingyu and others for a while, he embarked on the journey again alone. .

The most important battlefield for the frontline battlefield against aliens is Ice and Snow City, and this Ice and Snow City is the largest resident of the Xuanbing Legion, and is seated by the Ice and Snow Goddess.

If you want to go to Frozen City, you need to pass by a city that is very famous in the ancient battlefield, or not a city, because this is the headquarters of the Guild Alliance, one of the nine forces.

Fu City, Dan City, Tool City, Beast City, Zhen City, and Central City form the most famous guild alliance headquarters.

Moreover, almost the entire Xianyu deputy professional genius powerhouse is concentrated here.

It has also become the richest city in the entire ancient battlefield.

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