Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 902: Land of fertility!

"What's going on?" Looking at the little dragon playing in the lava in front of him, Xiao Chen blinked vigorously, not knowing why.

"It's started." Tian Xing'er suddenly whispered.

"What started?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, then he found that Xiaolong opened his mouth, and then the magma was swallowed into his stomach like a stream of water.

After the magma entered Xiaolong's body, there was no change in Xiaolong's body. Xiao Chen stared blankly at what was happening in front of him, and this phenomenon continued for nearly an hour, until there was no magma in the magma sea, Xiaolong directly exploded and turned into white flames. And Black Flame entered Xiao Chen's left and right hands respectively.

Xiao Chen clearly felt that the two flames were much stronger.

"I don't know if this lotus of creation can stimulate the blood of the God of War in my body?" Xiao Chen looked at the white flame in his left hand, his heart moved slightly.

"Dad Xiao Chen, don't think too much. The Lotus of Creation can only help others." Xiao Chen hadn't tried it yet, and was interrupted mercilessly by Tian Xing'er.

Xiao Chen laughed bitterly, and with a move of thought, he retracted the two flames into his body.

"Those ants can come out of it, can we also go in?" Xiao Chen said softly while looking at the light gate.

Xiao Chen's voice fell, Tian Xing'er had already passed through the light gate, and Xiao Chen quickly followed with a wry smile.

When the two reappeared, the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters were greeted by a vibrant scene.

Xiao Chen glanced around and gave him the biggest impression of abundant resources and numerous species.

You can see all kinds of huge creatures everywhere. These creatures give people a lazy feeling. Whether it is a huge ant, a huge snake, or a huge spider, they are all wading on the ground and resting on the trees.

Xiao Chen looked at the scene in front of him, with a feeling of a collapsed worldview.

I saw a poisonous snake swallowing a fruit, and then lying directly on the tree, opening the snake's mouth, it was clearly a yawn, even if a rabbit-like creature walked in front of it, it would move lazily.

This is the case everywhere.

They don't need to worry about food at all, there are all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual plants everywhere.

Whether it is a poisonous snake or other creatures, they have become herbivores.

"Where is this place, so rich?"

Xiao Chen looked at the various treasures of heaven and earth exuding aura, and was already shocked and speechless.

"Dad Xiao Chen." Tian Xing'er jumped directly into Xiao Chen's arms, pointing to a place and said: "Go there, I feel something is attracting me."

"Okay." Xiao Chen suppressed his restless heart, and the Black Dragon Wing appeared behind him, walking directly in the direction Xing'er pointed.

After flying for about two hours, the two finally arrived in front of a big tree. The trunk of the big tree is very strong. Even if thousands of people hold hands, they may not be able to completely embrace it. The branches and leaves are even more luxuriant and tall.

According to Tian Xing'er's instructions, Xiao Chen directly opened a hole in the trunk, as if entering a cave, walked tens of meters, walked into the heart of the tree, and a passage from the low pass appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

After that, Tian Xing'er and Xiao Chen jumped straight down. Xiao Chen felt that after falling for a long time, he came to a wide basement full of tree roots.

The basement is very wide, and in the center there is a sphere, countless branches floating near the sphere, and in the center of the sphere, there is a blood-red sphere.

"Is this a drop of blood?" Xiao Chen looked at the ball inside the ball and said in shock.

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