Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 898: Condensing the Flame Eucharist!

After Lihuo Kuang arranged everything in Lieyan Mountain, Lihuo Kuang took Xiao Chen to an active volcano.

"Sect Master, this is the Blazing Mountains, the hottest volcano!"

Lihuo said respectfully.

Xiao Chen looked at the spraying magma in the volcano below him and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, what you need to do next is clear, right?"

"Yes, Sovereign!"

"You go and do it." Xiao Chen nodded.

Xiao Chen handed the distribution map of the Blood Demon Cult in the Immortal Territory to Lihuo Kuang, asking him and the Blood Fiend to remove all the Blood Demon Cult except the ancient battlefield.

After the burning fire went wild, Xiao Chen looked at the crater, his eyes flickering.

"Ding, do you want to integrate the power of the gods to condense the sacred body of the gods?"


"Ding! Found a lot of fire power, and began to condense the Flame Eucharist!"

As the voice of the system fell, the Nine Turns God Huangjue began to swiftly rotate, and the continuous fire force within the volcano condensed towards Xiao Chen, and a burning sensation came over his face.

When condensing the Divine Thunder Eucharist, it directly absorbed the Thunder Tribulation!

When condensing the Holy Physique of Ten Thousand Poisons, Xiao Chen had no idea what had happened!

Personally feeling the condensed flames of the Holy Physique, Xiao Chen felt as if he was stripped and thrown on the fire, burning into the heat.

After a short while, Xiao Chen felt that the fire element's power was insufficient. He looked at the crater and jumped straight down and stayed above the magma sea.

Inside the volcano, the temperature was extremely high. Even though Xiao Chen's body was extremely powerful, the burning sensation deep into his bone marrow still made his face slightly change.

"Heaven will give a great responsibility to the people of Sri Lanka. He must first suffer from his mind, his muscles and bones, his body hungry, his body emptied, and his behavior is chaotic. Therefore, he is tempted to endure and gain what he cannot..." Xiao Chen kept flying over the magma sea, even more utterly in his mouth.

The magma that was continuously erupting from the magma sea, Xiao Chen dodged while absorbing the fire force.

It's a great time to play!

From time to time, Xiao Chen also supplemented the pill to avoid accidentally falling into the magma sea.

"It's so slow, it's been almost a day, hasn't the Flame Eucharist successfully condensed yet?" Xiao Chen complained in his heart.

When Xiao Chen was complaining, a figure suddenly appeared in the magma sea, coming straight towards Xiao Chen, very fast, when Xiao Chen reacted, a red figure had appeared in front of Xiao Chen's eyes.

Xiao Chen didn't even think about it, and blasted out with a punch, and then Xiao Chen felt a powerful force, and his body was slammed out.

Xiao Chen hurriedly stabilized his figure in the air, and looked intently, only to find that it was a burning ant that attacked him. The ant was about the size of an adult.

It's just that this ant looks extremely sharp, no matter it's legs or the red armor on his body.

Moreover, the aura on its body also changed Xiao Chen's expression slightly.

The ant made a strange noise and rushed towards Xiao Chen again. The two front legs were like pliers, and they came to kill Xiao Chen.

Ling Tian appeared in Xiao Chen's hands, Xiao Chen cut out with a single sword, cutting the ant into two pieces.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for killing the magma ants, gaining 100w experience points, 100w spiritual power points, and 1000 points for pit immortals!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Heart of Magma Ants!"

"Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the power of the demon spirit!"

"The power of the demon spirit, I didn't expect this ant to have the power of the demon spirit. No wonder the strength is not high, but the power is so great." Xiao Chen looked at the power of the demon spirit with great joy. The body of the demon **** has no realm limit. , As long as you have the power of the demon spirit, you can increase your strength infinitely

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