Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 896: Goddess kisses!

Guan Jie said all without reservation, and hearing this reason, even Xiao Chen felt infinite anger in her heart.

The reason for this is that everyone was killed because he refused his invitation.

"You two really deserve to die!" Xiao Chenhan said, if he was assassinated and killed, I am afraid that none of Shangguanying and others could survive, which made him even more intent on killing Lu Heng.

"Senior, junior told seniors everything, and the mastermind of this matter was Lu Heng, and asked senior to spare my life, no matter what senior asked me to do, I am willing."

Seeing the killing intent in Xiao Chen's eyes, Guan Jie hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"You are not qualified yet!" Xiao Chen said coldly, then raised his palm, and the **** of power directly patted Guan Jie.

Guan Jie looked terrified, looking at the giant palm in the sky with a look of despair, and when the giant palm was about to fall on Guan Jie, a beautiful figure in a white dress suddenly appeared in front of her.

The woman faintly stretched out a finger, and an extremely cold breath radiated from the finger. In just an instant, the entire giant palm was frozen into the ice.

"Scatter!" A cold voice sounded, and the giant palm and the ice shattered directly.

Guan Jie, who was already desperate, opened her eyes in disbelief when she heard this voice, and murmured with tears in her eyes: "Head!"

Xiao Chen also looked at the figure in front of Guan Jie, who was Chu Yunmeng.

"Head? Could it be the goddess of ice and snow!?"

Everyone looked at the white shadow, dumbfounded, and then after seeing its face, they all bowed their heads and dared not look directly.

Burning fire looked at Chu Yunmeng madly, "Alluring the country and the city, I didn't expect that I could see the true face of the ice and snow goddess so close before I was dying.

"Foreign races and orcs are united, I'm afraid it will not be long before a big battle will erupt!" Chu Yunmeng looked at Xiao Chen and said.

The first words of Chu Yunmeng made Xiao Chen's expression change drastically. The alien race and the orc were stronger than the human race. Why did the two forces suddenly unite?

If they are really united, that means their goal is to exterminate the human race.

"She counts me as half an apprentice." Then, Chu Yunmeng pointed to Guan Jie and said.

Xiao Chen was taken aback again, looking at Guan Jie in surprise, but he didn't expect that she still had such a relationship with Chu Yunmeng.

"I can let her go, but I want to kill Lu Heng, you won't stop it?" Xiao Chen said.

"No." Chu Yunmeng said calmly.

"That's good."

Xiao Chen nodded, and then said: "Since you show up, do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

Xiao Chen exchanged the God Control Technique in the pit immortal value, came to Chu Yunmeng's side, and handed it to her.

Guan Jie behind her stared blankly at the two, especially Xiao Chen, completely different from just now.

After Chu Yunmeng cultivated the God Control Technique, he suddenly came to Xiao Chen's side, and under Xiao Chen's surprised eyes, he kissed him directly on his lips.

When Chu Yunmeng kissed Xiao Chen, everyone in the vicinity fell into a daze, dumbfounded, unable to react at all.

Xiao Chen was also stunned for a while. When he felt the coldness on his lips, he finally reacted and hugged Chu Yunmeng directly to take the initiative.

The scene was silent, only two people hugging each other.

After a long time, Xiao Chen reluctantly left.

"Who controlled?" Chu Yunmeng originally had a trace of blush on his face, but the cold expression was restored the next moment, and asked in a cold voice.

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