Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 893: Enemies meet!

Tianning's feeble corpse was thrown by Xiao Chen towards the barren mountain below him. He glanced at the severely injured Immortal Emperor powerhouse, and then coldly looked at the streamers who came over.

Along with several streams of light, there was also an angry roar.

"My son called you to stop, didn't you hear, you dare to kill!"

"You are so bold!"

As the sound fell, six figures appeared not far away.

There were four men and two women, and when everyone saw the six people in front of them, they were all stunned.

All six of them look very young, but they exude a very strong breath.

The two who walked in the forefront were all immortal emperor peak powers, and the other four were also immortal emperor advanced powers.

When they saw the snowflakes in front of the six people, everyone's expressions changed, and their voices trembled slightly: "Xuanbing Legion!"

Xiao Chen looked at the six people who appeared, including two acquaintances, Lu Heng and Guan Jie!

"Did you not hear what my son said?"

Lu Heng's icy gaze fell on Xiao Chen's god, still as arrogant as before.

"I heard it!"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You dare to kill you after hearing it!" Lu Heng's eyes became colder.

"Are you an idiot? I can't kill you if you hear it? Are you really stupid or fake?"

Xiao Chen looked at Lu Heng with joking in his eyes!

Xiao Chen's words sounded arrogant and rampant to others.

However, it was normal. He even cut the peaks of two Immortal Venerables, injured one severely, and the other was afraid to move. He did have the arrogant qualification.

But facing the mysterious ice legion is still so arrogant, doesn't he know the horror of the mysterious ice legion?

Where Lu Heng went, even if he met someone from the Xianyu Alliance, he would be respectful. No one had ever dared to confront him like this. At this time, hearing Xiao Chen scold him for an idiot, which made him completely angry!

The other Xuanbing Legion powerhouses also looked at Xiao Chen coldly.

Dare to insult the captain of the Xuanbing Legion, no matter who it is, there is only one dead end.

"Very well, boy, you are the first person to scold this son for an idiot. You have completely angered this son!"

Lu Heng's face was gloomy as iron, his voice was extremely cold, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

The other strong men who saw this scene were overjoyed, with only one wish in their hearts, that is, Lu Heng was furious and killed Xiao Chen!

"What if I get angered, but one Immortal Emperor peak has already killed two anyway, so I don't care about killing two more!"

Xiao Chen's expression was cold and he didn't put Lu Heng in his eyes at all.

"Don't compare my son with this trash, my son will give you a taste of what the real **** is!"

Lu Heng's face became more gloomy, his voice fell, and a powerful aura emerged from his body.

"Captain, wait a minute!" Guan Jie hurriedly called out when Lu Heng wanted to do it.

"What?" Lu Heng looked at Guan Jie behind him with a cold expression.

Guan Jie didn't seem to see the coldness on Lu Heng's face, and directly said respectfully to Xiao Chen from the air: "You may have a misunderstanding about this matter for the juniors to join the seniors, please don't get angry."

Guan Jie's respectful attitude directly confuses many people.

"What's your name? Oh, by the way, your name is Guan Jie, isn't it? I remembered it. In other words, why do you dare to show up in front of this seat, really, this seat will not kill you?"

Xiao Chen looked at Guan Jie and said coldly.

"What does senior mean? The junior hasn't offended senior, right?" Guan Jie was taken aback, then a trace of cold sweat appeared on her forehead and said nervously.

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