Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 888: The backer is Benzong himself!

The **** ancestor had a complicated expression. When he was chased by the strong of the heavens, he appeared in the wild mountain after entering the black gate. He was then chased by a group of fairy beasts and rescued by the fire mad, who saw him as a fairy. The strong emperor, invited him to become a master in the Flame Mountain.

"He is very strong, and there are super strong people behind him. We can't resist at all."

The **** ancestor said solemnly, the original Tian Dao'er and Tian Yan'er impressed him too deeply, even if he thinks about it now, his heart is still full of fear.

Fiery Fireman didn't care about what the blood evil ancestor said was very strong, but was very interested in the super strong blood ancestor said.

The other two teams also frowned slightly. They didn't know the identity of the kid in front of them, or the background of the kid in front of them, which made their eyes fall on Tianning.

The face of the strong man in the Tian family was also a bit gloomy. When the Tian family was killed in Qingzhou, he was blocked by the goddess of ice and snow, so they had already determined in their hearts that the super strong man behind Xiao Chen must be the goddess of ice and snow.

"Boy, what is the relationship between you and the goddess of ice and snow?" Tianning said with a gloomy expression.

"The goddess of ice and snow? The one from the Xuanbing Legion!" The eyes of the strong, including the flames, flashed shocked, and the two teams looked at each other and both saw the retreat in the eyes of the other.

The Xuanbing Legion is the overlord in the ancient battlefield, and the Xuanbing Legion is very united, and the Ice Goddess is extremely cold. Could it be that the person in front of him is also a member of the Xuanbing Legion, it is no wonder that he has such a combat power.

"Is the goddess of ice and snow? That's my wife." Xiao Chen grinned.

"Tianning, is he really related to the Ice and Snow Goddess?" The fire mad frowned slightly. Everyone in the Xuanbing Legion respected the Ice and Snow Goddess. The person in front of him was the first to dare to be so disrespectful to the Ice and Snow Goddess.

Even Tianning's face also appeared puzzled, and then recounted the Qingzhou incident.

After Tianning finished speaking, Lao Huo Kuang frowned and said, "Although the ice and snow goddess is cold, it is said that she is very kind in heart. She stopped the Heavenly Family, maybe just because she didn't want to watch the Qingzhou creatures become charcoal, it has nothing to do with this kid."

Tianning also frowned.

Burning mad looked at the blood evil ancestor and asked: "The super power you are talking about is the goddess of ice and snow?"

"No," said the ancestor of the blood evil spirit, "but..."

"What, his patron is not the goddess of ice and snow!" Tianning's expression instantly turned extremely gloomy.

"Are you interesting? Guess and guess, just like a bunch of idiots." Xiao Chen laughed.

A group of people was furious, especially the idiot Xiao Chen said, making these people extremely gloomy.

"The master, there is really a super strong behind him!" Seeing the fierce fire furious, the blood evil ancestor once again discouraged.

"Enough, Blood Fiend, no matter who is behind him, but this is a wild mountain, even if the immortal emperor comes, I am not afraid of the Flame Mountain!"

The fire mad said gloomily.

"It's long-winded, don't you just want to know who my backer is? Then I'll tell you!" Xiao Chen calmly looked at the people around him.

Hearing his words, everyone instantly focused on Xiao Chen.

"The patron of this sect is this sect himself, but this sect gives you a piece of advice, immediately exit here, otherwise you will kill you!"

The fall of Xiao Chen's voice made all these people sluggish in place. After a long time, everyone reacted.

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