Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 880: Challenge the Immortal Ranking!

"Xianzun's ninth, Chen Guang, please advise!" The Chen family walked out of a strong way and looked at Li Yuanba and others, his eyes were full of ruthlessness. Only by surpassing the person in front of him can he have a chance to live.

"I'll go!" Xu Xiaojun said, except for Luo Qingwu, her strength is considered the lowest.

"From this kid's memory, you know that all eight of you have good talents, but only if you defeat them can you be qualified to follow this seat, otherwise you can only die!" Xiao Chen looked at Xu Xiaojun and said indifferently, but But he blinked at Xu Xiaojun.

"I understand." Xu Xiaojun nodded, and then walked to the opposite of Chen Guang.

"Demon God Sect, Xu Xiaojun, please advise!" Xu Xiaojun said coldly, holding a fist.

"Xianzun five-fold?" Chen Guang's eyes lit up. He is the pinnacle of Xianzun himself, and he is the ninth existence on the Xianzun list. His combat power is naturally extraordinary. He didn't expect that only a five-fold immortal would challenge him. It's not that I won.

Chen Guang was overjoyed, acting like a master, and said faintly: "Let's do it!"

"The ice phoenix is ​​in the sky!" Xu Xiaojun was not polite, and the whole body was surging. He directly used super magical skills. The ice phoenix instantly came, and the two of them instantly covered the frost, and the temperature dropped sharply.

The ice phoenix rushed through Chen Guang’s body at a very fast speed. Chen Guang’s body was completely frozen in the dull gaze. A long sword appeared in Xu Xiaojun’s hand, and Chen Guang’s body was directly shattered into broken ice. .

Xu Xiaojun walked back indifferently. All the strong looked at the indifferent woman, with various emotions, jealous, solemn, admired, and jealous.

Chen Kaitian looked gloomy, looking at the broken ice, both angry and unsatisfied. He was very strong, but saw that the opponent's cultivation base was weak and asked the opponent to take the first shot. In the end, he was directly killed by a spike. Chen Kaitian wanted to pull him up and beat him. .

"Next!" Xiao Chen said.

"Xianzun ranked sixth, Tianleshan, please advise!" Then another young man walked out, with a strong breath.

"I'm coming!" Shang Qiuyu walked out.

"Demon God Sect, Shang Qiuyu!" After Shang Qiuyu reported his name, he immediately said: "Your heavenly family slaughtered my Demon God Sect, today is your death date!"

When the voice fell, Shang Qiuyu turned into black tiger claws with his hands, and his feet turned into tiger claws, with pure killing intent exuding all over his body and rushed directly to Tianle Mountain.

Tianleshan's face was solemn, he naturally knew the grievances between the Demon God Sect and the Heavenly Family, but he didn't expect that two people had appeared, both of them belonged to the Demon God Sect.

Moreover, the previous test made him understand that people like the Demon God Sect cannot see their superficial strength at all, so he did not relax at all, and directly used the three forms of the gods.

"The **** is domineering!"

A giant palm patted Shang Qiuyu directly.

"The white tiger tears the sky!" Shang Qiuyu shouted sharply, his whole body was more murderous, and his hands were torn fiercely. In the shocking eyes of everyone, two tiger claws directly tore the giant palm apart.

"How is it possible!" Tianleshan's face was full of disbelief, and his domineering **** was directly torn apart.

"Dead!" A cruel and violent voice sounded, and Shang Qiuyu had appeared above the top of Tianle Mountain.

"Guardian of the gods!" Under the crisis, Tianle Mountain hurriedly protected, and all the protective forces were blocked above his head.

"Boom boom!"

Shang Qiuyu's tiger claws kept grasping on the phantom of the gods, making the sound of metal collision. In just a few seconds, Shang Qiuyu grabbed dozens of scratches, and the shield formed by the guardian of the gods made a clicking sound, and then he was caught directly. broken.

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