Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 866: Luo Qingwu is out!

Needless to say, the fairyland alliance is the strongest power on the surface. Although the guild alliance is one of the nine major forces, the sales and refining of various sub-professions on the mainland are in its hands. As for the bounty union, there are It is the Chu family.

"Old man, Tian Xiuran, the elder of the Immortal Territory Alliance, this elder announced that the Sky Feather City Competition will begin now!" the middle white beard old man announced.

Tian Youran stepped back, and then the middle-aged man stepped forward and said, "Chu Qing, the elder bounty union, now I declare the rules of this competition!"

After Chu Qing announced the rules, Qi Chang frowned. The rules of this competition were different from usual. Each family took turns to defend the ring, divided into defenders and attackers.

Every time the defender succeeds in the challenge, two points will be added. If the attacker fails, no points will be added. If the defender fails, both those who succeeded in the challenge and those who have not made the challenge will be given two points.

Those who have attacked and defended will not be allowed to participate in the second round.

Finally ranked by points.

"Lin Yu of the elder guild alliance, now I will choose the defenders in the first round!"

Lin Yu said lightly: "In the first round, the first defender, Lei family, your Lei family sent defenders, and other families sent attackers."

Afterwards, a young powerhouse with the Seventh Layer of Immortal Venerable came out of Lei's house.

"Qing Wu, you are the first one to go. If you can win, you will win. If you can't win, you will give up." Xiao Chen said to Luo Qingwu behind him. He glanced at the contestants from the major families. Most of them were senior immortals. Xianzun Qizhong is already the lowest.

Although Luo Qingwu has refined the blood of the super **** beast, after all, she only has the Xianzun threefold, and she has been deep in the Luo family before, so she doesn't have many opportunities for experience.

"Okay." Luo Qingwu nodded and walked up, but her slightly trembling body told everyone how nervous she was now.

"The Qi family is really no one, and he has sent a little fellow with the threefold Immortal Venerable!" Lei family powerhouse said with a smile.

The other three players also looked at Luo Qingwu, which made her even more nervous.

"Hahaha, did the Qi family come out to be funny? She sent a little girl who has never been through the world. Is the Qi family going to give up?"

Lei Bao laughed and looked at Qi Chang, but in exchange for Qi Chang's disdain, this made his eyes even more angry.

"Damn scumbags, I see how arrogant your family is after this competition!"

"The defensive starts, the Li family will attack first!" Lin Yu said lightly.

The Lei family youth stood on the ring, and then a young man from the Li family jumped directly on it. After a few tricks, the Li family youth was beaten by the Lei family youth.

"They didn't do their best at all!" Qi Chang frowned slightly, then looked at Lei Bao and Li's family. The Li's elder family did not open their eyes, Lei Bao grinned at Qi Chang.

"The defensive challenge is successful, Lei Family adds two points." Lin Yu said lightly: "The second game, Guan Jia attack!"

"Lei Family adds two points!"

"Lei Family adds two points!"

All three failed, the Lei family scored six points, and only the Qi family has not yet played.

"Patriarch, could it be that the other four have reached an agreement? If this is the case, our Qi family will definitely lose!" The elder of the Qi family frowned. He is also the pinnacle of the immortal emperor, and it is natural to see that the other three are basically doing it. It looks just like surrendering directly. If the Qi family fails to win a match, wouldn't it be the laughingstock of Xianyu.

"No matter what conspiracy they play, everything is a paper tiger in front of absolute strength." Qi Chang said lightly, and she was very confident in Li Yuanba and others.

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