Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 863: Something happened in Daliang City!

"What the hell?" Chu Yan'er was completely confused by Xiao Chen in front of her.

"Have you seen these people behind me? I am going to train them into the titled immortal emperor, and the point is, I can also train you into the titled immortal emperor!" Xiao Chen said.

Chu Yan'er looked dumbfounded, and Luo Qingwu was even more stupid. She was called by Xiao Chen, and she didn't know what to do. At this moment, she heard Xiao Chen pointing to herself and others and said that she would train them into titles. Immortal Emperor, did she misheard or did Xiao Chen lose heart?

"Brother-in-law, don't you have a fever?" Chu Yan'er put her hand on Xiao Chen's forehead and asked worriedly.

Xiao Chen knocked off the hand on his forehead, and said angrily: "You just got a fever. I'm serious, and don't you see Qi Nishang looking at me admiringly?"

Chu Yan'er looked at Qi Nishang, who looked admired and even excited, and asked dumbfounded: "Senior, don't you also believe his nonsense?"

"I believe Master's words." Qi Nishang said seriously.


"Yes, I worshipped his wife as a teacher, so he is my teacher!" Qi Nishang nodded.

"You worshiped my cousin as a teacher?" Chu Yan'er said in surprise.

"I just took them to the teacher apprenticeship. If you want to become stronger, go with us. If you don't agree, you can leave first."

Xiao Chen spoke directly.

"I'll go with you." Chu Yan'er blurted out. After she finished speaking, her face was stunned: "I'm going, I'm crazy, I actually said such things."

"Since you agree, let's go!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen directly urged the token of the Supreme Elder, and the group of people disappeared into the house.

When they appeared in the Heavenly Star Palace, Chu Yan'er, Qi Nishang and others looked at the Heavenly Star Palace in shock.

Suddenly, a group of people emerged from the hall, and the leader was Zhang Qin.

"Participate in Taishang Elder!" Zhang Qin saluted respectfully.

"Get up." Xiao Chen said.

"Elder Tai, something happened." Zhang Qin said directly after getting up.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, how could something happen to them in the Heavenly Star Palace.

Later, with Zhang Qin’s explanation, Xiao Chen knew what happened. It turned out to be Liangzhou. The Chen family and Beigong family in Great Liangcheng were killed by the powerful Chen family in Zhongzhou, and Chen Feiyun, Beigong Wuxuan , Qingluan and others barely survived because of the token of the disciple of the Sky Star Sect, but their family was slaughtered by the strong Chen family.

It was Chen Kaitai who led the team, and the reason turned out to be that the Chen family in Great Liangcheng had betrayed the Chen family in Zhongzhou, so the entire Great Liangcheng had suffered.

"Chen Family, Heavenly Family, I, Xiao Chen, swear in the name of the elder of the Heavenly Star Sect, I will not destroy your two families, and I will not give up!" Xiao Chen's expression was gloomy. Although Chen Kaitai's temperament was small, he did not expect him to do this. Frustrating things.

"You are cultivating well here, and I will repay your clan's hatreds one by one!" Xiao Chen looked at the strong man in the Great Liangcheng who came over after hearing the sound.

"Thank you too elder!"

"How is Shangguan's house?"

"They have all taken refuge in the Chen family," Qing Luan said.

"I see, Chen Family, I will never let them go." Xiao Chen nodded, comforted them, and left some resources, so he took Chu Yan'er and others to start apprenticeship.

Xu Xiaojun, Gao Fumei, Lei Qianjue, Shang Qiuyu, and Ranxiao Qiwu had already been apprentices, and Qi Nishang was the first to apprentice.

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