Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 859: Immortal domain catastrophe!

Xiao Chen looked at the excited face of the old woman, really suspecting that the old woman was a magic stick.


The old woman suddenly knelt in front of Xiao Chen and respectfully said: "My name is Qi Nishang, I am willing to take the martial arts oath and worship you as a teacher."

Xiao Chen was immediately taken aback by the scene in front of him. What a joke, a strong immortal emperor actually knelt down and begged to worship himself as a teacher.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the Ten Great Titled Immortal Emperor series quest, Qi Nishang, the apprentice of the Lord of the Water Palace!"

"Task description: instead of Xia Ruoxi, collect Qi neon clothes as a disciple, and refine the blood of the super mythical beast water unicorn!"

"This..." Xiao Chen looked at Qi Nishang in shock, and asked the system, "System, are you sure you are not kidding?"

There is no response from the system.

Xiao Chen looked at the old woman kneeling on the ground and took a deep breath: "I won't accept you as a disciple, but I can accept you as a disciple for my wife, and I can guarantee that you will become the titled immortal emperor in the future."

"Disciple, Qi Nishang visits Master!" Qi Nishang kowtowed directly.

"Get up." Xiao Chen looked at Qi Nishang and couldn't help asking, "Is the blood of your Qi women really so amazing?"

Xiao Chen really couldn't imagine that an immortal emperor would be so obedient.

"Yes, Master, it is also because of the blood of the Qi family that our Qi family can survive from the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Territory." Qi Nishang said.

"Xianyu Great Tribulation? What is this?" Xiao Chen asked a little puzzled when hearing a new term.

"Hey, speaking of the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Territory, in less than ten years, a new round of the Great Tribulation is about to come." Qi Nishang sighed, the old face was angry and helpless, and there was a hint of it. fear.

"What is the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Territory?" Xiao Chen asked, he felt that he had heard another big secret.

"Master, do you know that the fairyland we are now in is called the Land of Abandonment?"

"I know." Xiao Chen nodded.

"The Immortal Territory was originally a continent in the Immortal Realm, and the immortal energy was very rich, but one day, the two major forces had a great battle on this continent, with countless casualties. In this battle, the rules of the Immortal Territory were broken, and this place The ancient battlefields and the tombs of the emperors were formed by the great battles at that time."

"It was also because of this battle that the immortal energy of the Immortal Territory was lost and became a deserted place, and because the rules of the Immortal Territory were broken and incomplete, there were fewer and fewer immortal emperors on the mainland, and there was no titled immortal emperor. "

"Two great forces fought, and there was a winner and a loser. The people who survived the losing team took root on this continent, and the winning team did not easily bypass these undaunted people, but every once in a while. , They will send people to the immortal realm to behead all the powers above the immortal emperor!"

"It's been hundreds of thousands of years since the last time, and the winners are coming soon," Qi Nishang said helplessly.

After Xiao Chen heard the information, his heart was shaken. He didn't know if what Qi Nishang said was true or false.

But Qi Nishang didn't have to tell such a lie to lie to him.

"Master, you should know the Blood Demon Sect and the Demon God Sect back then?"

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded, he himself was the Sect Master of the Demon God Sect.

"At the beginning, the destruction of these two forces also had the shadow of that force." Qi Nishang said.

"How do you know these things?" Xiao Chen looked at Qi Nishang, he still couldn't believe it, if it was true, then Chu Yunmeng would be dangerous.

"Because our Qi family was the power of the defeated side at the time." Qi Nishang said: "The remaining powers, the Blood Demon Sect, and the Demon God Sect are all, but they are almost extinct now. The two most powerful forces are now. It belongs to the Qi family and the Chu family."

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