Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 840: Qingzhou changes!

Xiao Chen looked at the task of promoting the Immortal Venerable with some surprise, and it was divided into three parts, no matter which part of the three parts, it was impossible for others to complete.

But for Xiao Chen, who possesses immortal power, these are not problems at all.

It seems that the system is based on the tasks that Xiao Chen issued before going to the immortal realm. These rewards must also be resources for upgrading the deputy master and apprentice.

"It seems that we have to find some time to gather them." Xiao Chen murmured. The Supreme Elder token in his hand can summon anyone who has an outer disciple token.

But it is not the time yet.

Xiao Chen looked at the woman sitting on the ground and slowly came to her.

"are you OK?"

"I'm fine, who are you?" The woman in the red skirt reacted and hurriedly got up from the ground, asking in shock.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen, Sect Master of Demon God Sect!" Xiao Chen introduced himself.

"The name Demon God Sect seems to be familiar?" A thought flashed in the woman's eyes. After a while, she suddenly said in shock: "You are Xiao Chen, the number one in the immortal monarch list!"

"It's me." Xiao Chen smiled.

"But your appearance is different from the portrait on the Xianjun list," the woman asked suspiciously.

"In order to avoid trouble at the beginning, it was easy." Xiao Chen said casually.

"It's no wonder that you can easily kill those immortal monarchs. It turned out to be Xiao Chen who killed the emperor in the first place. Do you know that since this year, the Heavenly Clan has been chasing and killing you from the Demon God Sect everywhere."

The woman said suddenly.

"So what, my Demon God Sect has no casualties." Xiao Chen laughed, and Lei Qianjue and the others stayed on the Immortal Venerable List, which meant that they had nothing to do now.

"No casualties? You don't know. Qingzhou should be the base camp of the Demon God Sect outside. The Celestial Clan massacred a lot in Qingzhou. I don't know how many people died. It is said that if the Ice and Snow Goddess hadn't taken the action in the end, I'm afraid Qingzhou would have become a dead place. ."

The woman said.

"What, the Celestial Clan has done something to Qingzhou!" Xiao Chen's face was cold, and a terrifying killing intent emerged from him. The extremely strong killing intent made the woman pale, and even a little breathless.

After Xiao Chen noticed the woman's abnormal condition, she hurriedly stopped her murderous aura. The woman finally eased up, and looked at Xiao Chen pale, full of fear.

What she said was Xianzun, who was almost overwhelmed by Xiao Chen's killing intent. How many people did he kill?

"Sorry, I was so excited just now, can you tell me the details?"

Although Xiao Chen did not exude a killing intent, his tone was very cold, and the woman was a little scared in her heart, and then briefly said the matter.

It turned out that the Heavenly Family undoubtedly knew that Qingzhou actually had a sect that claimed to be the Demon God Sect, so it directly sent a large number of powerful people to Qingzhou. As long as all related to the Demon God Sect were killed, it was said that many people died at the beginning, and finally the Xuanbing Army suddenly made a move. After killing those strong men who slaughtered Qingzhou, the goddess of ice and snow spoke out, whoever dared to slaughter Qingzhou wanton, the Xuanbing Legion will carry out with it, and will never stop.

"Yunmeng, I owe you another favor." Xiao Chen's expression was cold. He thought that Qingzhou was far away from Zhongzhou and would not be implicated in Qingzhou. He didn't expect the Celestial Clan to be so cruel and slaughter Qingzhou. He didn't know Qingzhou. How are the various halls?

"Heaven Clan, this hatred, this sect has written down!"

Xiao Chen's expression was calm, but the killing intent in his heart had reached its peak.

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