Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 837: Six days!

As the roar fell, several patterned leopards slowly appeared in front of Xiao Chen, one fairy king, four fairy kings!

"Hey, since you are in front of my eyes, then Benzong will have fun with you!" The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth was slightly Yang, the next moment, four Xiao Chen figures ran directly towards the patterned leopard.

"Master, Xiao Hei and I selected a set of techniques for the master through the current killing points on the master. Should the master learn it?" Xiao Chen suddenly appeared while killing the patterned leopard.

"What technique?"

"Overlord color domineering, armed color domineering, see and hear the color domineering practice exercises."

Xiao Chen punched back a patterned leopard, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "One Piece World's unique domineering!"

"Yes, the master, the overlord's domineering practice of courage, the armed sex's domineering practice of force, and the experience of seeing and hearing the domineering practice of perception, the owner can only choose one of three to practice."

"Can't all practice?"

"No, you can only choose one of three." Xiao Hei said.

"Well, I choose the overlord to look domineering!" Xiao Chen did not ask, he made the choice directly. The strength of the demon **** body is not inferior to the armed look domineering, and seeing and hearing the domineering look, although the extreme practice can predict the future for a short time, Xiao Chen Chen prefers the look of an overlord, the master of a sect, how can he not be bold.

"Good master!" Xiaobai directly helped Xiao Chen purchase the domineering cultivation method of the overlord, and at the same time, the killing points on his body were also returned to zero.

After the four Xiao Chen solved the five patterned leopards, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and seriously experienced the cultivation of the overlord.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes and continued to rush towards the island.


Six days later, Xiao Chen finally made a circle around the island. The entire island is not very large. It is estimated to be only equivalent to Qinglong North City. The fairy beasts on the island are generally at the level of the fairy king and the fairy king, even if there is not one of the fairy lord.

But these fairy beasts are extremely powerful, and the fairy beasts of the fairy king level are enough to crush the strong immortal in the fairyland.

Even if Xiao Chen was full of immortal power, it took six days.

"System, you can send me back to Xianyu now."

"Yes, by the way, I forgot to remind the host that the time flow rate of this island and Xianyu is different, and the flow rate is different from day to month.

"What, one month here, one day in Xianyu." Xiao Chen's eyes lit up.

"No, it's the opposite. One day on this island, one month in Xianyu."

"What!" Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and a black door appeared behind him, and Xiao Chen was sucked into it again.

Immortal domain, a certain void.

A black gate appeared, and Xiao Chen appeared from inside, but the next moment, he felt that his body was so heavy that he could not keep flying at all, and his body fell involuntarily.

"It feels so heavy, what the **** is going on?"


A girl with a pale face, two loyal guards even though they were injured, are running all the way.

And not far behind the three of them, there were a few young people who were not in a hurry.

Suddenly, a young man took out a bow and arrow and shot two arrows. The two guards snorted and fell straight down.

The woman in the red dress who ran in the front stopped, turned around and looked at the two guards lying in a pool of blood, with sadness and misery on their faces.

"Why didn't you run away?" A one-eyed young man walked over coldly, and the only one left was full of jokes.

"Dongfang Wenshan, if you dare to move me, Tianyu Pavilion will not let you go."

The woman shouted sharply, but the fear in her pupils and the trembling body showed her fear at the moment.

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