Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 829: Fight the emperor!

Everyone looked at one scene in shock.

"Sect Master, what kind of supernatural power is this, I didn't even feel anything, so I was changed position." The blood evil ancestor stood beside the emperor and glanced at Xiao Chen, his eyes were shocked.

As for Luo Qingwu, who was held hostage by Xiao Chen, a panic appeared in her eyes, but soon she calmed down because she didn't feel any killing intent from Xiao Chen.

"You are looking for a dead end!" The emperor looked at Xiao Chen gloomily, his voice was full of icy cold.

"Do you still want to avoid and not fight now?" Xiao Chen just asked lightly.

"Since you want to die, this young man will make you perfect!" The emperor slowly came to the center of the martial arts field, staring at Xiao Chen with murderous intent.

Being threatened by an immortal king taking the life of his fiancee, the murderous intent in the emperor's heart can no longer be restrained.

"Qinglin, take her down."

Xiao Chen pushed Luo Qingwu to Qinglin and said.

Qing Lin nodded and led Luo Qingwu directly to the bottom of the performance stage.

"You are fine, you are still the first to dare to challenge this young man with threats." The emperor said coldly, and a violent killing intent emerged from him, directly pressing on Xiao Chen, even if he was under the martial arts platform. Everyone also felt a chill.

"What a heavy killing intent, it is worthy of life and death in the ancient battlefield. I am afraid that the enemies who died under his hands, the foreign race, the fairy beast, and the half-orc powerhouse are already unclear."

Everyone was shocked.

The emperor stared at Xiao Chen coldly, and said gloomily: "This son has killed countless enemies in the ancient battlefield, and the strong Xianjun has suffered countless deaths and injuries, and even the Xianzun died in the hands of this son. And you are the first to dare to use the fairy king. Whoever challenges this son, this son swears that you will expose your body to the gate of the city and warn those who are overpowered."

"Better than killing? More than killing intent?"

Xiao Chen smiled faintly: "Does it make you so arrogant to kill a few immortals with the peak of the fairy?"

"If this is the case, then you are too far behind me!"

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and a slight red light appeared in his left eye, and a killing intent that was a hundred times stronger than the emperor instantly fell on the audience. All those who felt this killing intent took a few steps back subconsciously. After reacting, they all He looked at Xiao Chen with fear.

"With such a strong killing intent, how many people did he kill?" Everyone was shocked.

"How is it possible?" A look of shock appeared in the eyes of the emperor, with such a strong murderous aura that he had not met a few people even in the ancient battlefield.

"Who are you?"

"Demon God Sect, Xiao Chen, Immortal King Jiuzhong, challenge the emperor!" Xiao Chen said slowly, his voice spreading far away.

"Xiao Chen, my son remembers you!"

The emperor's voice fell, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he came directly in front of Xiao Chen, with an extremely domineering aura on his fist, and hit Xiao Chen directly.

Xiao Chen stepped on Lingbo's microsteps, and his figure was erratic, and he flashed directly to the side, descending the dragon's eighteen palms, and a golden dragon whizzed out. The palm of the sun hit the emperor's fist directly.


The moment the fists collided, the emperor was directly repelled a few steps.

"What! The emperor was actually repelled, how is this possible!"

Everyone looked at a scene in shock.

"You are too weak!"

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and then ten sword lights of different colors, like a net, came to the emperor!

"Guardian of the gods!" The emperor felt a deadly threat, roared, and the whole body was surging, and a tall phantom appeared behind him. The phantom hugged the emperor in his arms, and the airtight protection was in his arms. .

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