Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 827: Recruiting security guards!

"Yes, this time I chose the guard for Luo Qingwu. The emperor will definitely be there at that time. Brother Xiao might have a chance to see the style of the first genius of the immortal monarch list." Zhang Yuanshan said with a smile, but Xiao Chen said. A trace of resentment was seen in Zhang Yuanshan's eyes.

"Will the emperor appear? This saves a lot of things." Xiao Chen smiled and said to Zhang Yuanshan: "Then I will go with you."

Outer city.

"Brother Xiao, there is the Luo family."

Zhang Yuanshan pointed to a magnificent house courtyard not far away.

At the entrance of the house, a huge martial arts stage was built. At this time, many people were already lined up under the martial arts stage. Obviously, they had come to participate in the recruitment of guards and made a lively noise.

In the distance, there are still many people watching. After all, this is for the recruitment of the emperor's fiancée, which is naturally very lively.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuanshan brought Xiao Chen forward and handed it to a three-hundred high-grade spirit stone in charge, and joined the queue alone.

"This Luo family is really stealing money, and you need three hundred spirit stones to report a name. No wonder Zhang Yuanshan asked for three hundred spirit stones. It turned out that the registration fee was not enough." Xiao Chen slandered in his heart.

However, it is also normal. Luo Qingwu must enter the inner city of the Heavenly Family, and their guards will also follow in at that time. At that time, both cultivation resources and status will be greatly improved.

"Look, the emperor and Miss Luo Qingwu are out!"

Suddenly, there was a noise in the crowd.

Afterwards, a group of people walked out of the gate of Luo's house. At the forefront was a handsome young man, alongside him was a petite and lovely woman.

Behind the two, there were several guards who followed them, each with extraordinary aura, almost instantly, everyone's eyes fell on the young woman.

"Is he the emperor?" Xiao Chen muttered looking at the proud man with his head up and his chest high.

After that, he glanced at Luo Qingwu next to him, a very cute girl, and when Xiao Chen was about to look away, the system suddenly sounded a reminder.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for triggering the Ten Great Titled Immortal Emperor series mission, Luo Qingwu, the apprentice of the Lord of the Holy Palace!"

"Huh? She turned out to be one of the tasks?" Xiao Chen said softly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The Luo family walked out of a six-fold powerhouse from the Immortal Venerable, came to the arena, looked at the dense crowds, and said lightly: "As long as you can support the three-stroke player in the hands of the deity, you can become the guard of my lady. "

As the strong man's voice fell, one challenger after another jumped onto the ring and began to challenge, but one after another was defeated.

"It seems that the temptation to enter the inner city of the Heavenly Family is so great that there are so many strong immortals participating." Xiao Chen looked at the arena, and the strong below the lower level of the immortal were completely for food.

And what surprised Xiao Chen was Zhang Yuanshan. Not only did he have the strength of the Immortal Venerable First Layer, but he also practiced a rare water attribute technique. Relying on the flexibility of the technique, he even allowed him to pass the next three moves successfully.

"Interesting, this guy seems to be not only for staying in Tiansheng City, but also for Luo Qingwu." Xiao Chen looked at Zhang Yuanshan who was peeking at Luo Qingwu, with a smile in his eyes.

The battle continued, and in the end, Zhang Yuanshan had six winners, all of whom were strong immortals.

"The recruitment of guards is over here." The Luo family's strong man announced.

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