Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 825: Heavenly City!

In the battle spirit world, after Xiao Chen recovered his soul, he summoned all the Xiao family army and helped him improve his strength through the sword of good fortune.

For ten days outside, the World of War Soul has been ten months old, and within ten months, Xiao Chen had spent most of his time helping Xiao Family Jun improve his strength, except for devouring the Golden Shaguo to cultivate the Demon God.

The sword of good fortune is really extraordinary. It not only raises all of the Xiao family army to the peak of the fairy king, but also can temper Xiao Chen's soul. With Xiao Chen's current soul, he will definitely not be weaker than the strong one of the peak of the fairy.

Forgetting the time, Xiao Chen left the world of war spirits. When he reappeared on the flying spirit ship, he found that the green scales were urging the flying spirit ship, and the blood evil ancestor actually grilled barbecue on the side.

"Brother, you have finally left the customs. The meat that this guy roasts is not delicious at all. I want to eat roast chicken and roast goose."

After seeing Xiao Chen appear, Qing Lin ran directly to Xiao Chen and complained, not even operating the flying spirit ship, scared the **** ancestor threw the barbecue directly, and hurried to the bow of the ship to operate the flying spirit ship. Glancing at Qinglin like a deep-seated woman.

When did he dignified the emperor grilled barbecue, it would be good if he could eat it.

"You greedy ghost." Xiao Chen touched Qinglin's head, and then bought a large amount of food at Kengxian Value. Qinglin happily took the food, and went to enjoy the delicious food alone.

"A few days to reach Zhongzhou?" Xiao Chen asked when he came to the **** ancestor.

"Sect Master Qi, there is still half a day to go to Zhongzhou, but if the sect leader finds the emperor, he needs to go to the heavenly holy city of the Celestial Clan, and it takes another day and a half. It will arrive at about noon tomorrow," said the ancestor of the blood evil.

"I see."

"Sect Master, I don't know why you are looking for the emperor. Does the Sect Master know the emperor?" asked the blood evil ancestor.

"Challenge the emperor and get the first place on the immortal monarch list." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What! Challenge the emperor?" The blood evil ancestor was shocked, "Sect Master, the emperor is the pinnacle of the immortal monarch, with the ability to kill the immortal, with the current strength of the suzerain, it may not be able to beat the emperor.

The **** ancestor just said that it was not necessarily, but in his heart, Xiao Chen would definitely lose.

Xiao Chen didn't make much excuses either, just instructed the blood evil ancestor to sail the boat, and stood aside, watching the scenery outside the Fei Ling boat.

Seeing that Xiao Chen had already decided, the **** ancestor had no choice but to shook his head and operated the flying spirit ship, whistling towards the holy city.


Heavenly City!

When there were hundreds of miles away from the Heavenly Holy City, the blood evil ancestor took the flying spirit ship, and the three of them walked like the city.

Xiao Chen was a little proud. The system did not sell human skin masks, but the **** ancestor actually had the skill of disguising. Now Xiao Chen is dressed as a graceful young man, and the **** ancestor himself is also a housekeeper.

The three arrogantly walked towards the heavenly city, and they saw a shocking scene within a short walk.

Xiao Chen looked at the huge and towering city in the distance and let out a sigh.

"What a majestic city."

"Brother, do you think so too? The heavenly clan is worthy of being one of the nine great forces. Even if the strong immortal emperor enters the holy city, he dare not make trouble."

A familiar young man walked to Xiao Chen's side, took a look at the blood ancestor and Qinglin, looked at Qinglin twice, then smiled at Xiao Chen.

The location of the three of Xiao Chen was not far in front of the Heavenly Holy City, and all around them, there were countless immortal monarchs, immortal sovereigns, and many immortal emperors. They all wanted to enter the heavenly holy city.

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