Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 689: Handsome!

After taking a look, Xiao Chen was a little speechless, he couldn't use it currently.

Ice Phoenix Lintian and Thunderbolt are both super magical skills. Thunderbolt requires Xiao Chen to transform into the body of the divine thunder to use it, and Ice Phoenix Lintian also needs the ice crystal divine body to use.

However, this super magical skill is suitable for Xu Xiaojun, with her ice phoenix bloodline, even the intermediate Xianshuai can easily be killed!

Xiao Chen taught Xu Xiaoyun the Ice Phoenix Lintian, and Xu Xiaoyun's cold face finally appeared moved.

After Xu Xiaojun performed the apprenticeship ceremony, the token of the Supreme Elder in Xiao Chen's hand had more information. The Ice Palace was opened, and Xu Xiaojun could practice in the disciple room outside the Ice Palace.

Moreover, while the Ice Palace opened, there was a bloodline tower in the Ice Palace, Xiao Chen could put the bursting ice bloodline into it, and the Ice Palace disciples could exchange it through sect points.

After that, Xiao Chen took Xu Xiaojun around the Tianxing Hall for a circle, and then headed towards Qingniu City.

Qingniu City is a must pass from dozens of nearby towns to the northern part of the Western Region.

Therefore, Qingniu City is extremely prosperous, with many forces in the city.

After half a month of driving, Xiao Chen and Xu Xiaojun finally came to Qingniu City at noon of the day.

The Blue Bull City is very huge, and the gate of the city is actually made into a green bull, exuding a simple and vicissitudes of life. After entering the city gate, it is like entering the mouth of a green bull.

After Xu Xiaojun paid more than a dozen middle-grade spirit stones, the two entered Qingniu City. Xiao Chen looked a little excited. This was the first city he saw in Xianyu.

After Xiao Chen and the two entered Qingniu City, Xiao Chen didn't even notice that many people at the entrance of the city were looking at him excitedly, and then they turned around and left.

Qingniu City is very prosperous!

Xiao Chen and the two had been on their way for half a month, and then they walked into a house called "Green Grass Restaurant", ready to take a rest.

Xiao Chen looked around, and most of what he was doing was the power of immortal generals.

Soon, a small second who had the pinnacle of the fairy soldier brought delicious food. Xiao Chen's appetite was widened and he started directly. He wanted to taste the delicacy of the fairyland.

Xu Xiaojun was also a little moved. She couldn't eat these delicacies in Qingniu Town, knowing that this table would need dozens of high-grade spirit stones.

When the two were starting to eat delicious food, there was a loud noise from downstairs, and then a sound of footsteps. Everyone who had quietly tasted the food frowned and their eyes fell on the stairs on the second floor.

Before long, a group of men and women walked up in the eyes of everyone frowning.

This group of men and women are not old, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they wear Chinese clothes, their faces are arrogant, their nostrils are upturned, and they have an attitude of number one labor and capital.

The head of this group of men and women is a dark-faced, tall and tall teenager, and beside him is a young girl with the same dark face, short stature and slightly fat body.

The girl and the youth stood together, the girl only reached half of the waist of the youth, mixed in the middle of the crowd, and could not be seen at all.

The youth is the three-tiered cultivation base of the immortal commander. The young people behind him are all senior immortal generals, and even one or two are also immortal commanders.

"It's the handsome Niu from the Niu Family in Qingniu City City Lord's Mansion!"

"Behind them are the arrogances of the major forces in Qingniu City!"

"Niu Shuai is really good at it. He even subdued all these arrogant guys and became a "handsome club"."

The restaurant guests whispered in surprise, even when some immortal and powerful men looked at Niu Shuai, their eyes were full of fear and solemnity.

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