Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 644: Shrine Lord!

Xiao Chen stood in the crowd, raised his head and looked at the five figures, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. From the five people, he felt an extremely familiar power.

"Xianyuan, the peak of the five immortal soldiers, is worthy of being one of the strongest forces in the ancient realm." Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, and the Azure Dragon Palace that wanted to come to the palace was almost like this.

"Xiao Chen, have you seen the one in the middle? That is the lord of the divine palace, the strongest person in the divine palace, even if the other 4th palace masters dare not violate him!" Liu Xin suddenly said. Tao.


Xiao Chen looked at it, and his gaze fell on the most central figure among the five. There, a man with all white hair stood with his hands on his back. Although the man’s face was slightly old, his eyes had an unusually sharp color. Presumably he was a manly character when he was young.

The man is dressed in a white robe, and on top of the white robe, there is a word "God", which looks like a real god.

Xiao Chen's gaze paused on the lord, and then his gaze turned to the right. Next to the lord, there was a beautiful woman with a charming charm. The beautiful woman’s eyes were charming, and she was inadvertently. Attracted the attention of a large number of males.

"That's the palace lord of Nangong, the strongest woman in the divine palace!" Seeing Xiao Chen's gaze on the beautiful woman, Liu Xin said with a faint admiration in his words.

Xiao Chen took a few more glances at Nangong Palace Master, and then focused on the person on the far right. This person looked a bit like Wu Shuo. It seemed that he was the Palace Master Wu Wei.

"In the past, the palace lord of the North Palace, he was also the father of Young Master Wu Shuo!" Liu Xin whispered.

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at the old man on the left of the Lord.

"That is the Palace Master of the East Palace, and the remaining one is the Palace Master of the West Palace." Liu Xin said.

The palace lord of the east palace has a gentle smile on his face, while the palace lord of the west palace is sturdy in shape and looks very tough, presumably he has practiced the technique of refining the body.

"The Lord of the Shrine, first of all welcome you to participate in the Seven Regions Competition!"

The Lord's gaze swept straight ahead, and his flat and strong voice rang from every corner of the holy city.

Hearing the voice of the Lord, all the participating players became excited. They knew that the Seven Domains Competition was about to begin.

The Seven Territory Grand Contest is not only an opportunity for them to become famous in the Longhao Continent, but also the top ten can go to the aspiring fairyland to practice a stronger realm.

"Because of the large number of participants in the Grand Tournament, the first round of the Seven Regions Tournament was a melee. Only one person won the battle. Only one person won the second round of the competition! All of you are the geniuses of the mainland. You can choose to surrender at the time, so as not to hurt you or even lose your life. In the end, you will listen to the deity's arrangements, and you must not act recklessly. Once you find that there is no mercy, do you understand?

The lord said lightly, his voice was once again spread to every corner of the holy city under the agitation of the true essence.


Everyone said in unison.

"Okay, the next test begins!"

The Lord did not talk nonsense, and directly announced the beginning, and then the five people fell on the seats of the shrine.

In the martial arts arena, there are 20 martial arts platforms, and fifty people fight in a melee. Only one person wins the next competition.

The elimination rate is extremely high.

As the Lord’s voice fell, twenty elders from the palace fell on twenty arena.

"Number One, Number One Hundred! Number One Thousand! Number Ten Thousand!..." the elder of the Temple One said loudly, and then one figure fell on the Number One Ring.

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