Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 607: Gold inlaid with jade!

"This holy city is so big, where should I go?" Xiao Chen glanced at the lively holy city and smiled bitterly. He should have asked his address when he had known that when the anger wave threw the olive branch.

It's better now, but I don't know where to go when I come to the holy city.

"Forget it, anyway, there is still half a month in the Seven Regions Grand Competition, just stroll around in this holy city!"

After that, Xiao Chen walked aimlessly on the streets of the Holy City, feeling the air of the Holy City. If it were before, Xiao Chen would still sigh with emotion, but the current Heavenly Star Region is not weaker than the ancient realm's aura.

Walking on the street, looking at the dazzling array of shops on both sides of the street, elixirs, magic weapons, inscriptions, martial arts, everything is dazzling.

Unknowingly night fell.

The holy city at night is more lively and bustling than during the day.

"This prince, come in and play?" Just as Xiao Chen was looking around, an enchanting red-dressed woman came over, looked at Xiao Chen, and smiled.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, looked up, and found that he didn't know when he had walked to a tall building. There were three words inscribed on the tall building, "Wenxianglou"!

At the door, young girls kept walking around, pulling men one after another into the room, and soon laughter came.

"The Brothel!"

A word suddenly popped up in Xiao Chen's mind.

Speaking of it, he once entered the brothel. When the Star Empire State beheaded the Fourth Young Master, he also met a lover for a few seconds, and he is still accepting inheritance in the world of One Piece.

But that time was mainly for killing people, and it was not fun. Now that you met, relax!

"Go!" Xiao Chen put his arms around the woman's shoulders and walked into the Wenxiang Building like everyone else.

The woman took Xiao Chen to a very elegantly decorated box.

"If you have any good wine or food, please give me a portion." Xiao Chen said.

"Master, wait a minute!"

But for a moment, the woman returned from the new window, and brought a group of people behind her. Plates of exquisite delicacies filled the entire table, and the fragrance came, making Xiao Chen's appetite appetizing.

"My son, our restaurant has the treasures of two big town shops, fine wine with gold inlaid with jade, and beauty with gold inlaid with jade, do you need it?"

The woman in red said.

"Wine gold inlaid with jade? Beauty gold inlaid with jade?"

"Yes, most people come to Wenxianglou for these two treasures. The fine wine with gold inlaid with jade can still be drunk by ordinary people, but the beauty of gold with jade inlaid with jade is a national beauty, and most people can't see it." Continue to say.

"Oh, I became interested when you said that, let's talk, how can I see Jin Xiangyu?" Xiao Chen laughed.

"Five hundred middle-grade spirit stones!" said the woman, while carefully examining Xiao Chen's expression.

"I have a good boy, five hundred middle-grade spirit stones, only 300 middle-grade spirit stones can be opened once the teleportation array is activated!" Xiao Chen was a little surprised, but did not show it, just said indifferently: "So expensive? I want it. Check the goods first to see if it's worth the price."

"I'm sorry, son, only if you pay first, the beauty Jin Xiangyu will come, and son, Jin Xiangyu is still innocent, you can do whatever you want." The woman in red said.

"Do you think I am a fat sheep?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Sorry son, this is Jin Xiangyu's own rules!" The woman said sorry.

"Interesting, I want to see what's so strange about this Jin Xiangyu girl, it's so difficult to see." Xiao Chen said: "Go, ask you guys in charge to come, and say I'm sure about Jin Xiangyu! "

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