Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4214: Being mocked!

"Jiutian Chaofeng has been spread to this day, everyone is looking forward to this day, because this day, you can go to Jiutianzong for worship." Tang Ruohan said with a look of expectation.

It is naturally worth looking forward to to be able to go to the place you yearn for and worship. Tang Ruohan didn't even dare to think about it before, but now she is a person of special ability, and she has a great opportunity to go to Jiutianzong.

"Does Jiutian Chaofeng have anything to do with you?" At this moment, a mocking laugh came. I don't know when, a few young people stood in front of them, headed by a man and a woman, handsome men. The beautiful woman was looking at Tang Ruohan mockingly.

Tang Ruohan's face suddenly sank. These people in front of her were not unfamiliar to her, and they were members of the Wei family, one of the three major families.

"Let's go." Tang Ruohan subconsciously wanted to avoid these people. She was used to ridicule. Every time she faced the ridicule of these people, she would avoid them at most.

"Don't leave in a hurry." The Wei family disciple blocked Tang Ruohan.

"Wei Ying, what do you want to do?" Tang Ruohan asked with an ugly expression looking at the headed woman.

"Don't worry, I won't beat you. I just heard that you and the second son have done it. Why are you still alive? What method did you use to let the second son release you? Did you use your body?" Wei Ying glanced up and down at Tang Ruohan, and said sarcastically.

The voice fell, drew a burst of mocking laughter.

Tang Ruohan flushed, completely out of anger.

"You are really good at it. You just served the second son, and now you hook up with other wild men. If you say you hook up, just hook up. Can you hook up a little bit?" Wei Ying glanced at Xiao Chen and continued to mock.

"Yes, are you rubbish? You can only hook up some rubbish, and **** and **** are a perfect match."

"I'll go." Xiao Chen's face suddenly became speechless. He was shot while lying down.

"How does it feel to be called trash?" Old Yang asked, looking at Xiao Chen.

"I don't feel much, I'm used to it anyway." Xiao Chen gave Yang Lao a white look. Although the relationship with Yang Lao is not as rigid as before, as long as he seizes the opportunity, Yang Lao will hurt him.

"That's right, definitely more than one person called you trash or garbage." Old Yang said lightly.

Xiao Chen gave Yang Lao a white look, and was not entangled with it.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Second Young Master and I are innocent, and Young Master Xiao Chen is also innocent." Tang Ruohan explained angrily.

"Innocent? Who believes?" Wei Ying smiled.

"You?" Tang Ruohan couldn't say a word of anger while listening to the ridicule around him.

"I said, although you didn't formally apprentice a teacher, but I have taught you for a few days, you are also half of my apprentice, don't be so embarrassed, OK, but you can't do it directly?"

Xiao Chen looked at Tang Ruohan, whose face was flushed with anger, and couldn't help but remind him, if you can do it, try not to beep. This is the truth.

"Do it? Hahaha, just relying on this trash, does she dare?" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Wei Ying and others laughed more happily.

"Wei Ying, don't go too far. In a few days it will be the battle of Chaofeng. At that time, we will see the true chapter under our hands." Tang Ruohan said solemnly. She had forgotten that she was no longer the same waste. , She is now a person with special abilities.

"Hahaha, you still want to participate in the Battle of Chaofeng, do you know anything about it?"

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