Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4205: Free man!

"Father..." Tang Ruohan's face was full of disbelief.

"Also, since you are no longer a member of the Tang family, your marriage contract with Lord Luo Yun will naturally be invalidated, so you can do it yourself."

The middle-aged man took another sentence, turned and left, not giving Tang Ruohan time to speak.

Tang Ruohan was stiff in place, her face was full of grief. Although she was ridiculed and called **** since she was a child, it was her home after all. Does it mean that she has no home now?

"Trash, it's not your thing, it's not your thing after all!" Suddenly a young woman behind the middle-aged sneered, and then glanced at the restaurant, "She has nothing to do with the Tang family."


Suddenly, many people in the restaurant showed ill-intentioned expressions to Tang Ruohan. When Tang Ruohan was hunted down by the man in black, the marriage contract between her and Luo Yun had spread throughout the city.

At this time, Tang Ruohan had already terminated the engagement with Luo Yun and was kicked out of the Tang family. Those female cultivators who hated Tang Ruohan would definitely start to act, and those male cultivators who were interested in Luo Yun's former fiancee would also start to act.

Tang Ruohan's fate can be imagined.

Just without waiting for them to act, suddenly a person appeared at the entrance of the restaurant, it was Luo Kuang.

After seeing Luo Kuang, the people in the restaurant immediately stepped back.

The middle-aged man took the others and hurriedly stopped, bowed to Luo Kuang, and hurriedly said: "Second son, that wicked girl has been kicked out of the Tang family by me. No matter what you want to do to her, the Tang family will not Intervene."

Luo Kuangmo nodded blankly: "That trash is not worthy of my big brother."

"Second son, don't worry, how could that wicked woman be worthy of the talented son Luo Yun, I have already dismissed the marriage contract for her." The middle-aged man smiled flatly.

"That's good." Luo Kuang said lightly, but a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes, that was the woman he liked, and no one could be bullied.

When the words fell, Luo Kuang walked into the restaurant, and saw Tang Ruohan who was as cold as death at a glance, and a trace of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Second Young Master!"

The people in the restaurant hurriedly saluted. Although they hated Luo Kuang, they did not dare to have any disrespect in front of Luo Kuang.

Luo Kuang walked straight to Tang Ruohan: "Since you have terminated your marriage contract with my elder brother, you are now a free body. I declare that from now on, you will be my person."

Luo Kuang said in a low voice, his voice full of domineering and unquestionable.

Hearing Luo Kuang's words, everyone in the restaurant smiled, and Tang Ruohan fell on Luo Kuang's hands, I am afraid it would be hard to die.

The middle-aged people and others also looked at Tang Ruohan with a sneer.

They all thought that Luo Kuang was going to torture Tang Ruohan. Only Xiao Chen and Old Yang didn't think so, and Xiao Chen clapped his hands in congratulations.

"Congratulations to the second son for the beauty."

"Thank you!" Luo Kuang looked at Xiao Chen and nodded.

At this time, Tang Ruohan finally regained a little look in her eyes. Although she also knew that in Luo Kuang's hands, she would not live as good as dead, but when she heard his domineering tone and the phrase'you are my person', She couldn't help but jump in her heart, as if someone recognized her existence.

"Who slapped the slap on her face?" Luo Kuang looked at the red mark on Tang Ruohan's face and swept across the restaurant coldly.

"Second Young Master, I was the one who fought." The middle-aged man hurriedly stepped forward, with an expression of inviting credit on his face.

Looking at the middle-aged man, a cold color flashed across Luo Kuang's face.

Xiao Chen's face was speechless, and he had never seen someone so anxious to get on the pole in search of death.

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