Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4202: Tang Ruohan shot!

"I won't!" Tang Ruohan stood in front of Xiao Chen and stared at Luo Kuang coldly.

"Why do you stop me, your status or strength?" Luo Kuang sneered.

"With my strength!" Tang Ruohan said solemnly.

"Hahaha, joke, what strength of you, don't you know it in your heart? Don't run around, die outside, but no one will save you." Luo Kuang sneered.

"You!" Tang Ruohan was very angry.

There was a weird smile on Xiao Chen's mouth. He didn't know how to describe Luo Kuang. What he meant was to care about Tang Ruohan, but when he heard Tang Ruohan's ears, he just laughed at her.

"Get up!" Tang Ruohan gritted his teeth, and the power in his body surged, and the wind around him instantly rose up, and everything in the ruins floated into the air.

Luo Kuang looked at the surrounding scenes, his eyes flashed with surprise, what's going on?

But at this moment, the sand grains around turned around, forming a tornado, trapping Luo Kuang in the middle.

Luo Kuang looked at the tornadoes around him in surprise. He felt the sharp sword intent from those tornadoes, and he was taken aback. Could this be a special ability?

Does Tang Ruohan have special abilities?

In this case, Luo Kuang's sharp sword was cut, and a sword light was cut to the surrounding tornadoes, but these sword lights fell on the tornado and did not break the tornado, but was bounced away by the tornado.

When Tang Ruohan saw this, joy flashed across his face.

Luo Kuang's face sank, and the sharp sword in his hand kept cutting out, but all were bounced away by the tornado.

Xiao Chen frowned. Tang Ruohan's abilities were indeed strong, but she was just aroused, and Luo Kuang's sword aura had been personally experienced. It was impossible for him to have only that power.

There is only one possibility, Luo Kuang deliberately let Tang Ruohan, is it to stimulate Tang Ruohan's confidence?

He didn't expect that Luo Kuang was still a seed of infatuation.

Looking at the scene of Luo Kuang’s battle between the trapped beasts, Tang Ruohan became more confident, the surrounding tornadoes were constantly compressed, and at the same time swords were constantly spinning out of the tornado. Soon, Luo Kuang was cut by these swords!

"Luo Kuang, as long as you don't chase Young Master Xiao Chen, I'll let you go!" Tang Ruohan said, Luo Kuang's identity is there, so it's better not to sin.

"He must die, even if he is chased to the end of the world, I will kill him." Luo Kuang sneered.

"Where did he offend you, I apologize to you for him." Tang Ruohan hurriedly said.

"He didn't offend me, but I just wanted to kill him, so what about you?" Luo Kuang sneered.

"How can you be so unreasonable!" Tang Ruohan said angrily.

"When did my little overlord make sense?" Luo Kuang sneered, "If you really want to protect him, you can only kill me, otherwise I will chase him to the end of the world!"

"You!" Tang Ruohan was furious. She had never seen such an unreasonable person. She gritted her teeth and urged her internal strength. The tornado suddenly shot out sharp blades directly at Luo Kuang!

Luo Kuang looked at the densely packed and sharp blades, a glimmer of relief flashed in his eyes, not defensive, so he watched the blades fall quietly, then closed his eyes and waited for death.

Only after a while, he didn't feel the blade falling on him. After opening his eyes, he realized that at some point, Xiao Chen actually stood in front of him. A defensive barrier set up casually blocked the blade. .

"I have never seen such a strange flower as you?" Xiao Chen turned his head and looked at Luo Kuang.

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