Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4157: War Cangshu!

Even if the Cangshu is strong, his body is a poisonous vine, which belongs to wood. The flame has a natural restraint on him. After being worn on his body, the Cangshu jumped up instantly, like a monkey, very funny. Calmly, he had already discarded it.

Cangshu quickly extinguished the flames on his body. When he remembered what he had done, his face was angry and ashamed. He was jumping and jumping like a clown, and his old face was lost.

Cang Shu looked at Xiao Chen, angry and angry. Although he had been very optimistic about Xiao Chen before and showed kindness to Xiao Chen, he is only angry with Xiao Chen now, and he has even given up killing intent.

"Poisonous vine world!" Cangshu said angrily, and suddenly there was a sound of ground from all around, like an earthquake, the next moment, on the surrounding streets, suddenly a bunch of poisonous ivy sticks, and even some houses became directly The poison ivy sticks, one by one, are connected to form a birdcage, trapping Xiao Chen in it.

"Unexpectedly, the old man would actually use the world of poisonous vines, and the object is still you. It is really impermanent." Cang Shu looked at Xiao Chen. The two were still peacefully together before, but now they have to meet each other in battle.

"I didn't expect that I hadn't started with the disciples of Luoxuezong, but I would fight with you." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Little friend, do you know what Luoxuezong represents?" Cangshu asked in a deep voice.

"Luoxuezong is the only sect nearby, and it is also a representative of strength and authority. Xueluozong is everything." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Since you know, would you still dare to do something against the disciple of Luoxuezong?" Cang Shu raised his voice slightly.

"What you are asking about is really not level. If I dare not do anything to the Luoxue Sect disciples, how can I accept the deal with the Beastmaster? From the beginning of accepting the deal, I am ready to fight the Luoxue Sect." Xiao Chen He said indifferently, from the establishment of the Tianxia Sect, Xiao Chen had already prepared for a battle with Luoxue Sect, and this was the first time he had contact with Luoxue Sect disciples directly.

"The Beastmaster just wants you to protect her, not for you and Luo Xuezong disciples." Cang Shu said in shock. He did not expect that Xiao Chen wanted to fight Luo Xuezong. Is he crazy?

"Is there a difference? Since I want to protect the Beast King, I will definitely fight against the disciples of Xueluo Sect." Xiao Chen said.

"Of course there is a difference. To protect the Beastmaster, you only need to passively defend, and if you take the initiative now, Luo Xuezong will think that you are deliberately provoking. This is absolutely inevitable." Cang Shu hurriedly explained.

"In my opinion, the difference you said does not make any difference. I am different from you. I am not just passively beaten. Whoever dares to bully me will be refunded a hundred times, even if the opponent is a disciple of the Luoxue Sect." Xiao Chen said in a deep voice. Dao, tightening the nine sticks in his hands, there is only war intent in his eyes.

"Young and vigorous is a good thing, but without self-knowledge, it seems a bit silly. The benevolence and righteousness outside must not happen, and the old man must not let the Beast King City be implicated." Cang Shu said solemnly.

"In that case, there is nothing to say, you want to stop me, use your strength to speak." Xiao Chen said.

"The old man has the same intention. Today, the old man has blocked you." Cang Shu said solemnly, stretched out his hand and shook it. On the surrounding poisonous vines, poisonous ivy thorns appeared, and then directly fell towards Xiao Chen.

"Flame Knife." The huge long stick in Xiao Chen's hand was directly transformed into a huge machete. It was cut out with a single knife, and a huge flame blade light directly burned the surrounding poison ivy spikes.

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