Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4131: Cangshu found it!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen came to the White Snake Clan, and rescued the White Snake Clan's violent walkers.

After Xiao Chen solved the violent walkers of the White Snake Clan and the Sanhua Gathering Snake, Xiao Chen found a quiet place and prepared to rest.

Suddenly at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly looked at the big tree behind him, his expression becoming very serious.

"Senior is visiting, I don't know what to say!" Xiao Chen arched his hand at the tree and asked in a deep voice.

"Human baby dolls are very sensitive." A slightly vicissitudes of voice sounded, and then on the big tree, an old face suddenly condensed, and then, the old face slowly walked out and turned into an old man.

"It turned out to be senior. I was in a mirage that day. Thank you for saving me." Xiao Chen gave a junior salute. The old man in front of him, although it was the first time Xiao Chen met, but he wouldn't feel wrong with this breath. The murderous master he felt when he first came to Huijie was also the strong man who saved him once in the mirage of the mirage black tiger.

"Little doll is really not easy. The old lady's name is Cangshu. You can call me old. The reason why the old man showed up is because he wants to ask little doll for help." Cangshu said straightforwardly.

"The strength of the elders is astonishing, and the methods are amazing, and the juniors are low in cultivation. I am afraid that they can't help the elders." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Little Wawa is a wise man. You should know what the old man came from. In addition, some rebels among the spirit beasts have already focused on you, and there are also people among human beings. You are now in a very dangerous situation. Only the old man can help. You." Cangshu said lightly.

"The rebel in the mouth of the old man, I don't know who it is?" Xiao Chen raised his head to look at the tree, the rebel among the spirit beasts, what the **** is this?

"The so-called rebels are extremists who have extreme resentment towards humans. They not only resent humans, but also resent the spirit beasts that have friendship with humans. Even if you have a way to save the spirit beasts, they will still kill you." Faintly explained.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and it seemed that it was not completely safe to have a good relationship with the spirit beasts. The strength of the blue tree in front of him was unknown, but one thing he could see is that the blue tree does not hate humans like other spirit beasts. Thinking of this, Xiao Chen already had a plan in his heart.

"I wonder what the elder wants to help the younger generation?" Xiao Chen asked.

"The old man has seen you rescue the tiger-wolf clan and the white snake clan rioters. I hope you can help rescue other race rioters." Cang Shu said.

"The younger generation can take action, but what benefits can the younger generation get?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Benefits?" Cangshu was taken aback, and then smiled: "That's right, you humans are not profitable and can not afford to be early, there is no real benefit, and will not be easy to do."

Xiao Chen smiled and did not speak, this is a fact that needs no excuse.

"I have some **** here, do you think it is okay?" Cang Shu waved his hand casually. In front of Xiao Chen, there was already a pile of things, and at the same time, a scent came into Xiao Chen's nose.

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up. The hill-like thing in front of him was made up of all kinds of spirit grass and spirit medicine spirit fruits. Xiao Chen even saw many spirit fruits at the level of Knowing Heaven's Fate.

"That junior would thank senior." Xiao Chen was not polite, and with a wave of his hand, he had already put away everything. He is worthy of the senior in the depths. With this shot, he has a lot of fate. The strong man’s life has been collected.

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