Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4101: Do not pass!

"Unexpectedly, you have just broken through the Unconfused Realm, and you have such a subtle control of your power that you can cover all your right fists, but unfortunately, for those who know the fate of the realm, there is nothing to do with standing or not. Difference." Feiwu glanced at Xiao Chen's right arm and said lightly.

Xiao Chen snorted in his heart. Of course it is exquisite. When he did not come to the Primitive Realm, his control of power was exquisite. Otherwise, it would not be possible to break through the Unconfused Realm so quickly, but Feiwu's power is indeed extremely powerful, absolutely It is not comparable to those who know the fate of heaven.

But this is better.

Suddenly, a smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, and the Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue went crazy, recovering the fractured right arm, and then continued to punch Feiwu with his left arm intact.

"It's useless, even if you break through without confusion, it's impossible to be my opponent. Pass me the position of Sect Master, and I won't care about you anymore." Feiwu shook his head, and then punched out again. The sound of bone fracture came, and Xiao Chen's left arm was also directly abolished.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to pass the position of Guiyue Sect Master to you." Xiao Chen said.

"I really don't understand. The current Guiyue Sect is a mess. I accept Guiyue Sect because I don't want my mother's efforts to be ruined. What are you doing?" Feiwu asked curiously.

"I also don't want my master's efforts to be destroyed." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Now you still tell this kind of lie." Feiwu's face suddenly became cold. How old is Xiao Chen, how could he be a disciple of Sect Master Wu Ji? He felt that Xiao Chen's words were an insult to Sect Master Wu Ji.

"How do you prove that I'm telling a lie? You don't believe that I am a direct disciple of Sect Master Wu Ji, and I still don't believe that you are the son of Sect Master Wu Ji." Xiao Chen sneered. Very famous, how could he know whether Feiwu was worried about whether Guiyuezong had any treasure left behind.

"I was originally the biological son of Sect Master Wu Ji." Fei Wudao.

"How do you prove that you are the son of Sect Master Wu Ji?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I was originally the son of Sect Master Dancer, why should I prove it?" Feiwu said loudly.

"I was originally a direct disciple of Sect Master Wu Ji, so why should I prove it?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"You!" Feiwu couldn't say a word of anger, and pointed to Xiao Chen: "This kind of thing does not need to be proved, as long as you speak with strength, since you don't take the initiative to give way, then I will hit you. Bit."

When the words fell, Feiwu had already arrived in front of Xiao Chen and hit Xiao Chen's chest with a punch. If Xiao Chen hadn't blocked his strength in time, I'm afraid his chest had already penetrated, but even if it had not penetrated, Xiao Chen Chen was also uncomfortable, and was even speechless in pain.

"Don't give way?"


"Very good." Feiwu gritted his teeth and punched Xiao Chen again. Feiwu would ask every time he punched him, but no matter how much Xiao Chen hurts, he didn't let go.

Even until Xiao Chen fractured his body, Xiao Chen did not let go.

Feiwu is also a little numb. Is this kid in front of him a human? Don't you know the pain?

Just when Feiwu wanted to continue, there was a rushing sound. It turned out that it was Feilong and Geng Yan who hadn't seen them back for a long time and came over.

"Kill the gods." Geng Yan and the others looked at Xiao Chen who was lying on the ground, gave a panic and ran over.

The two of Feilong Cao Zhen looked at each other and walked over slowly with a smile.

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