Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4090: Broken battle!

Xiao Chen looked at Cao Zhen, whose expression was getting darker and deeper, "If you don't believe it, then we're fighting."

"War Wolf, Cheetah has no need to lie." At this moment, Geng Yan said solemnly, her attitude was very firm. Before, in order to avoid a large number of casualties, she notified Cao Zhen that she did not want to make trouble for Xiao Chen. .

"Humph!" Cao Zhen snorted coldly, her eyes gloomy, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she didn't continue to ask questions, but camped on the spot with a large number of people.

Xiao Chen didn't speak either. He found an empty place, sat cross-legged, and began to practice, but in his mind, there were scenes of wars everywhere in Huijie.

Xiao Chen and the others sat for five or six days. For these five or six days, they had been cultivating quietly, and there were no spirit beasts to bother them. It can be said to be quite comfortable.

However, on this day, Xiao Chen suddenly frowned slightly, because the terrain around them had changed, and the surrounding trees were constantly moving, forming a road, and the end of the road was where they were.

Xiao Chen stood up suddenly and shouted in a cold voice: "Everyone obeys orders, retreat immediately!"

"Yes!" Bai Wei and the others did not hesitate and were ready to retreat at any time, while Cao Zhen and the others did not move much. They just glanced at Xiao Chen. To them, Cheetah's command was a gust of wind.

Xiao Chen didn't care what they thought, and there was no need to care about them. The people with the cheetahs were about to retreat, but at this moment, he found that there were rows of big trees in front of them, blocking their way.

"It seems that I can't go anymore." Xiao Chen's face became solemn. In his mind, in the changed road, there is already a national team coming soon. They are now like chess pieces, controlled by a pair of invisible big hands. .

Go, you definitely can't go out!

There is only one battle he can do now.

"Everyone listens to the order and prepares to fight!" Xiao Chen shouted.

"Yes, commander!" Bai Wei and the others immediately switched from a retreating state to a fighting state.

As for Cao Zhen and others, there was still no action, just looking at Xiao Chen and the others lightly, it was like saying: We don't do anything, just watch your quiet performance.

"What did you find?" Geng Bo asked.

"Didn't you always want to fight before, now the opportunity is here." Xiao Chen said.

"Really, is it a human or a spirit beast?" Geng Bo said in surprise. He had been a little irritable for a long time, and what he wanted to do most now was to have a good fight and try out his Sky Destroying Style.

"Whether it's a human or a spirit beast, this war is more dangerous than you think." Xiao Chen said very seriously. Now it is not up to them to say whether to fight or not. How will the people behind the scene arrange them? They can only accept the battle. As for what kind of enemy they face, it is not all they can know.

Looking at Xiao Chen, who was very serious, Geng Bo was stunned, and his expression became serious. He had never seen Xiao Chen so serious, even if Qiutang had not played against Cao Feng during the feast, Xiao Chen could be so serious. The situation is a bit serious.

"What are we going to do next?" Geng Bo said solemnly.

"Preserve your strength and pass the order down. You don't need to save bullets. I will take care of all the bullets." Xiao Chen said. Upon departure, Xiao Chen had already equipped all members of the Cheetah with Gatling.

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