Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4085: Repay!

"Boy, it's you again, how dare you come to this king's territory, is it true that this king can't kill you?" The Snake King shouted coldly, his voice resounding everywhere because of his anger.

"The snake king calms down. I am here this time not to trouble you, but to tell you something. The war between humans has broken out and the place is Huijie." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"What, the war between humans broke out, and the place is still Huijie, hateful humans, deceiving people too much!" The snake king's voice was extremely angry. Xiao Chen also learned from Geng Yan about the outbreak of some wars. The outbreak brought about a large number of killings, which had also been carried out in Huijie, and the spirit beasts in Huijie also suffered heavy casualties.

For the spirit beasts, coming to their place to break out of war, but also to kill their people, this is a bit too bullying, how can the snake king not be angry.

After the anger, the snake king stared at Xiao Chen coldly: "Damn human beings, this king doesn't believe that you will kindly tell this king this news, what is your conspiracy?"

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly. It seems that the Snake King hates humans extremely, "I have no conspiracy. On that day, it was your daughter who pleaded, so we have a chance to escape. I am here today to repay this kindness. Now that the words have been spread. , Then we will leave."

Xiao Chen arched his hands and wanted to leave.

The Snake King looked at Xiao Chen, not knowing what he was thinking, and then hissed twice, the snake group gave up a path, Xiao Chen arched his hand and left here.

An elder from the Sanhua Gathering Snake came to the King Snake and asked, "King Snake, just let these despicable humans go?"

"Now is not the time to kill these humans. The key is the war that the kid said." The Snake King said solemnly.

"Snake King, do you really believe what the humans say?" the clan elder asked inexplicably. Their snake king hates humans the most, and he doesn't believe a word of what humans say.

"Counting the time, it's almost time." The snake king's voice was a little sad. Hearing the words of the snake king, the clan elder was also stiff, and a sad look appeared in the cold snake's eyes.

Huijie is not the first war between humans to break out. Every hundreds of years, there will be a war. To put it bluntly, the sect is to control the power of each country through war and reduce the power of Huijie. To reach the sect better control, but they have no alternative, this is their sorrow as a weak person.

"Snake King, what should we do now?" the clan elder asked hoarsely.

"The whole clan marched toward the depths and informed each race along the way that a new Beast King appeared in the Hui Realm. This time, humans are absolutely forbidden to do whatever they want in our Hui Realm." The Snake King's voice was full of killing intent, and the words fell, and the order has been delivered. Going down, all the three-flower-gathering snake-ju family set off to the depths, and along the way, they continued to spray poisonous mist. These poisonous mists will not disperse for a few days.

"Kill God, do you know animal language?" After leaving Snake Valley, Geng Bo looked at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"Understand a little bit." Xiao Chen said modestly.

"I'm very curious, why do you want to tell Sanhua Juding Snake these." Geng Bo asked.

"It's very simple, in order to repay the gratitude, and at the same time cause some trouble to those people behind." Xiao Chen said lightly, without any concealment. He came to Sanhua Gathering Snake Snake Valley. The so-called repaying gratitude is only one of them, and the main reason is to give Those people behind are causing trouble.

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