Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4075: Who do you say you are!

Although he was scolding Pan Sheng in his heart, Liu Gonggong still had a smile on his face. His typical face was grinning and his heart was selling horses.

"Lord Cheetah, our family is here to spread the message of the Three Princes. The Three Princes admire you very much and invite you to visit the Three Princes Mansion."

"Don't go, not familiar, no time." Xiao Chen said.

"Leopard commander, you really don't know each other." Liu Gong justified. He came to the cheetah camp to see if Xiao Chen was still alive. What the three princes admired very much was made up by him, Xiao Chen refused. Just gave him down the steps.

"I don't know each other. It's not the first day you knew. You should leave without talking. I can't help but want to beat you when I see your face and hear your voice." Xiao Chen said calmly. Naturally knowing the purpose of Gonggong Liu's visit, it is impossible to see him die.

"Huh!" Liu Gonggong snorted coldly, and without entanglement, he led people away.

Xiao Chen smiled, turned around and ordered the sky again. At this time, in an empty square under the sky, Jiang Fengyu stood faintly. Opposite him, Pan Sheng and a beautiful beauty were standing at the front, all behind him were caught yesterday. The man in black who came in.

"Master, it's all done!"

After Xiao Chen fell, Jiang Fengyu walked over.

"What did you do?" Xiao Chen glanced at Jiang Fengyu in surprise. He found that Pan Sheng and others were looking at Jiang Fengyu's gaze, full of horror and even fear.

"It's nothing, just in front of them, hundreds of tortures were done to the fifth strongest person. By the way, they were also tortured." Jiang Fengyu wrote lightly.

"Puff, you are really sturdy." Xiao Chen could only use these two words to describe Jiang Fengyu when he was tortured in front of everyone. Suddenly, Xiao Chen thought of something.

"By the way, I didn't see the fifth strongest person. Did he not accept the palace sentence and committed suicide?"

When Xiao Chen's voice fell, everyone looked strange.

"Master, I'll introduce someone to you." Jiang Fengyu pointed to the beauty standing in the front, and said: "She is the maid who served tea and pouring water for the young master, and her name is Xiaoya. Master, you can call her Xiaoya. ."

"Girl? Little girl, what kind of ghost name is this?" Xiao Chen was stunned.

"I took it, does it sound good?" Jiang Feng said.

"It sounds good." Xiao Chen said immediately, he didn't dare to say it was bad, otherwise he would be beaten by Jiang Fengyu.

"Since it sounds good, the young master will accept her as a maid, but you must not think about it otherwise, the young master will regret it." Jiang Feng said.

"Who are you to be your young master?" Xiao Chen said dissatisfied. Although Xiaoya looks good, he still doesn't think anything else.

"It's fine if the young master doesn't." Jiang Feng said.

"After talking for a long time, you still didn't tell me whether the fifth strongest person committed suicide. I seem to have told you that torture can be used, but you cannot let him die." Xiao Chen said.

"Little ya." Jiang Fengyu looked at Xiaoya.

Xiaoya stepped forward and bowed slightly to Xiao Chen, and said: "I have seen Master, I am Xiaoya. I used to serve under the Third Prince. They usually call me the fifth strongest."

"Puff!" Xiao Chen almost sprayed out blood, looked at the little girl in disbelief and said: "Who do you say you are?"

"Master, you heard that right, she is the fifth strongest before." Jiang Feng said.

"But isn't the fifth strongest male?" Xiao Chen asked subconsciously.

"The fifth strongest is indeed a man." Jiang Feng said.

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