Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4073: Tendency to abuse!

"Sorry, the fifth strongest can't return you, and you are going to serve our young master. Not only you, but everyone present today can't escape." Jiang Fengyu said lightly, as her undoubted voice fell, Jiang Fengyu suddenly There was a breath of horror, it was an unspeakable horror.

Pan Sheng's eyes widened directly, with a terrifying aura. He stood in front of Jiang Fengyu as if an ant was looking at the giant. The pressure could not be said at all.

"Fear the cold." Jiang Fengyu raised his hand and said lightly. The next moment, the entire cheetah camp was plunged into the wind and snow, and the people in black and Pan Sheng, without knowing what happened, were all sealed in ice sculptures.

Bai Wei and the others looked at the opponents who were just as close as they were, and they were all sealed in ice sculptures, their eyes were full of shock. Jiang Fengyu's strength exceeded their imagination, refreshing their knowledge of Jiang Fengyu time and time again.

Jiang Fengyu waved his hand and brought all the ice sculptures to the order of the world, and then he disappeared.

After a full moment, Bai Wei and others woke up from the shock, and then hurried to Xiao Chen's side, looking at Xiao Chen who was falling asleep, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Do you think the commander has a tendency to abuse? Obviously there are such strong guards, and they have to do it themselves, but they turn themselves into this miserable way." Jing Eryi said with a strange expression.

"I have heard that there are special abilities or special exercises, which are to improve their strength through constant beatings. Did you say that the commander has practiced this kind of exercises?"

"How can the commander practice this perverted technique? As expected, the commander has a tendency to be abused." Jing Er agreed with the statement.

"It doesn't matter if I have a tendency to abuse, but I think you must have hobbies in this area, so I will fulfill you." I don't know when, Xiao Chen has sat up and looked at Jing Er faintly.

"Huh?" Jing Eryi looked confused, he has no tendency to be abused.

"Come with me through the trick." Xiao Chen said.

"But commander, you are seriously injured now, even if I defeat the commander, there will be some invincibility." Jing Erwei asked.

"Even if I only have one breath, you can't beat me with you, a guy who is two." Xiao Chen stood up and looked at Jing Er and said, "Come on."

"Commander, your tone is too loud, I don't believe it. You only have one breath. I can't beat you yet. Today I will defeat you." Jing Er was angry at the injustice, and Commander too underestimated him. Anyway, he is also a member of Cheetah.

"Come and try." Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly, then opened them suddenly, and at the same time a destructive aura radiated from his body. There were countless hands behind Xiao Chen, a little under his feet, and he had already rushed towards Jing Er.

Jing Er also exploded with all his breath, and rushed towards Xiao Chen. The two fisted and fisted, Xiao Chen launched the extinguishing style, and slapped Jing Er with one palm.

At the beginning, Jing Er was able to cope with it easily, but as Xiao Chen's palms became more and more powerful, Jing Er couldn't handle it a bit, and he hit him again and again.

"I rely on, commander, how come your strength is so much stronger!" Jing Er shouted wildly.

"Aren't you prone to abuse? If your strength is not strong, how can you satisfy your special hobby?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I don't have a tendency to be abused. It's obviously that you have a tendency to be abused." Jing Er argued.

"Who do you say has a tendency to be abused?" Xiao Chen became even more annoyed, and the speed of palm out was faster.

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