Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4069: Collect rent!

"Bai Wei, help me find a new place to live." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, commander." Bai Wei said, he didn't even notice it. His voice is now more respectful than before. From appearing to being subdued by Jiang Fengyu, the fifth strongest under the three princes only took a breath of time. Jiang Fengyu's strength ,beyond imagination.

Soon Xiao Chen had a new room. The arrival of the fifth strongest only caused a little disturbance. Everyone should still do what they should do.

The next day, Grandpa Liu walked into the cheetah camp pretentiously with people, and when he saw Xiao Chen sitting on the chair of the teacher basking in the sun, he suddenly lost his voice: "Why are you still alive?"

"Why can't I live?" Xiao Chen looked at Grandpa Liu with a smile.

"No, you should be dead. How could you still be alive?" Gonggong Liu murmured. He knew that the Third Prince sent someone to kill Xiao Chen. It stands to reason that Xiao Chen should have died. , After all, the people of Cheetah couldn't stop the fifth strongest.

"I said that you stray dog, you said that I was dead for no reason. Isn't this touching me? Is it because you haven't been addicted to hitting you, and you want us to hit you again." Xiao Chen's voice improved.

The cheetah players all around took a step forward, staring coldly at Liu Gonggong and the others.

"You wait for our family." Gong Gong Liu twitched his lips, gave a ruthless word, and fled.


There was a loud laugh from the cheetah. Usually, Grandpa Liu came with a pretentious look. They were already upset. Now seeing Grandpa Liu run away, it was a joy in my heart.

Xiao Chen also laughed.

Hearing the laughter from the rear, Liu Gonggong's face became even more ugly, and he hurried back to the third prince's residence to file a complaint.

Talking about the cheetah camp, Liu Gonggong did not leave for a long time, and then a group of people walked in. This group of people was completely different from Liu Gonggong and the others, and each step was steady and strong.

When Bai Wei saw the group of people, his face became heavy and he hurriedly found Xiao Chen.

"Commander, the people of the World Gang are here."

"Are you from the Tianxia Gang? Not long after these three princes left, the Tianxia Gang is here again. This cheetah is really busy." Xiao Chen sighed.

Bai Wei smiled wryly, saying that the cheetah is busy, it is better to say that anyone can bully the cheetah. As the captain of the cheetah, Bai Wei feels really ashamed.

"Let's go, let's go with the people of Tianxia Gang." Xiao Chen said lightly, saying that he had already walked out of the room, Bai Wei hurriedly followed, and soon came to the middle of the camp.

"Bai Wei, your cheetah should pay this month's rent." A middle-aged man in the lead looked at Bai Wei and said lightly.

"What's the rent?" Xiao Chen looked at Bai Wei.

"Back to commander, the land of the Cheetah Camp belongs to the World Gang, and we need to pay rent every month." Bai Wei replied.

"So, what are you waiting for, give it to others." Xiao Chen said.

"This is the rent for the next six months, you can order it." Bai Wei took out a storage bag and handed it to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man turned the storage bag in his hand, his face instantly sank, and said coldly: "Bai Wei, are you playing with us?"

"No, isn't this the rent that we negotiated at the beginning? What's the problem?" Bai Wei said lightly, this piece of land does belong to the Tianxia Gang. They need to pay rent every month, but they pay more It is the rent, and the resources they honor the World Gang.

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