Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4066: The cheetah is my killer!

Although Grandpa Liu is usually arrogant, he relies on the reputation of the three princes. His own strength is not very good. Moreover, the members of the Cheetah are all elites in the elite. The two are not comparable at all. Soon, Liu Gonggong and his party all fell to the ground.

"You are so courageous, you dare to hit... hit our house, do you... do you want to rebel?" Grandpa Liu covered his face with one hand, and pointed at Xiao Chen with another finger, and said in an angry voice, just because of his teeth. Was knocked out, speaks out, intermittently, not miserable.

Xiao Chen glanced at Bai Wei. Just now, everyone rushed forward. Grandpa Liu didn’t see who beat him. However, Xiao Chen could see clearly that Bai Wei beat him the most, and he greeted him with a few teeth. It was knocked out by Bai Wei.

Bai Wei stood aside, expressionless.

"Rebellion, you are just a steer next to the third prince. When can you represent the emperor, or do you mean the third prince wants to be the emperor?" Xiao Chen sneered.

"You!" Grandpa Liu was speechless for an instant. How could he answer these words? How could he represent the emperor, not to mention that the third prince wanted to be the emperor himself, although the third prince did want to be the emperor.

However, he has never suffered such humiliation. He can only point to Xiao Chen and threaten with anger: "The third prince will not let you go. Just wait for death."

"Cut, you think the cheetah will be afraid of the third prince in a small area. Now the cheetah is my killer, not the old waste Cao Feng. If the third prince dislikes his own power, you can try it." Xiao Chen sneered. Cao Feng glanced at the dark place.

"Okay, very good, what you say, our family will report the truth to the third prince." Grandpa Liu left a ruthless remark, leading his people, and turned away staggeringly.

"It's really ignorant and fearless. Even the third prince dare to fight. I want to see where you are as the leader and how long you can do it." Cao Feng walked out from the dark and looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer.

"A steer, what can't be beaten? I'm talking about a mere three princes, why can he stop me from continuing to be the leader, do you think I am as timid as you?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"You can only take advantage of your tongue. I originally wanted to find another way to rectify you. I didn't expect you to find a dead end on your own. Then I will wait for your unlucky news." Cao Feng said coldly and finished. Turned and left.

"Bai Wei, you come with me, and everyone else is gone." Xiao Chen waved his hand, and everyone dispersed. Bai Wei followed Xiao Chen back to Xiao Chen's residence.

"You tell me in detail about the power of the three princes, so we should prepare in advance." Xiao Chen said.

"In fact, the three princes are not only his own power, but the most important thing is his mother's power. His mother belongs to the He family of eight families." Bai Wei said, and then introduced the power of the three princes in detail.

"He family, is He Yuan's family?" Xiao Chen muttered.

"I see, our gains in Huijie this time are not small. We don't need to do extra money for a short time. Order to go down. Don't go out during this time and try our best to practice."

"Yes, commander!"

After the order went down, Xiao Chen also entered the world to give orders.

The next day, someone came to the cheetah camp. When he saw the person coming, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Big Brother, why are you here?" Xiao Chen asked, not someone else, but He Yuan.

"I heard that you let the third prince's father-in-law be beaten?" He Yuan asked.

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