Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4062: Ten Thousand Beasts!

Xiao Chen also learned about the mirage body from the system, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fengyu a little weirdly, and translated the words of the snake king.

"I know a lot, but it's a pity that I am not a mere mirage body." Jiang Feng said, then he pointed at the Snake King, and the cold air swelled, and the Snake King was frozen again.

The Snake King quickly broke away from the ice, staring at Jiang Fengyu coldly, and said, "Your chill has become stronger?"

"Master, do you want to kill him? If I kill him, I can keep him frozen until death." Jiang Fengyu asked Xiao Chen.

"Don't hurry." Xiao Chen said. Although Jiang Fengyu is Jiang Fengshu's younger sister, Jiang Fengyu's talents and abilities are much stronger than Jiang Fengshu, so Xiao Chen is convinced that she can kill the Snake King.

"Snake King, do you want to continue? If you die, you will not be far from exterminating the tribe. Of course, you can also try and let your tribe swarm up to see if you exterminate the tribe first, or Let's die first."

"Even if both lose and lose, this king will eat you humans clean." The Snake King said coldly, not knowing what he did. The three-flowered Gathering Snakes all around were ready to attack.

"You are wrong. It is absolutely impossible to lose both." Xiao Chen said lightly, and then waved his hand. In the hands of the second class Bai Weijing, a handful of Gatling appeared, and among them, there was a box of boxes. bullet.

"Humanity's thermal weapon?" The snake king's voice sank. Since the emergence of thermal weapons in humans, many spirit beasts in Huijie have suffered. He is not afraid of such thermal weapons, but his other people can't hold it. , Plus Jiang Fengyu, it really fought, and even if they win in the end, they will lose a lot.

"Humans, today, the king is in a good mood, so I will let you live a life." The Snake King said coldly. With the hissing voice, all the three-flowered conch snakes around retreated.

"But you won't be arrogant for too long. The king of beasts has appeared, and he will definitely lead us to dominate one side."

The King Snake left a ruthless word and flew away.

"Has the Ten Thousand Beast Kings appeared? It seems that troubled times will appear again." Jiang Fengyu murmured.

"What is the king of beasts?" Xiao Chen looked at Jiang Fengyu beside him.

"The king of beasts is the legendary king who can command all the spirit beasts. The spirit beasts are simpler than humans. If all the spirit beasts in the primitive world have a king, it would be terrifying." Jiang Fengyu thought of something and his face sank.

Most human beings are selfish. In organized places, there will be a phenomenon of fighting for power and gain. It is difficult to truly unite. But the spirit beasts are different. They only believe in the strong. Although they usually fight separately, once there is a king, then It is undoubtedly very scary.

"Thousand Beast King?" Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"But the young master don't have to worry too much. The sky is falling and there is a tall man against it. Even if the animal tide really breaks out, the young master cannot stop it alone.

"You think too much, your master, I am not a kind-hearted person, I am just curious." Xiao Chen said.

"Then young master, I will withdraw first." Jiang Feng said, then disappeared and entered the order of the world.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave first." Xiao Chen looked back at Bai Wei and others.

"Commander, who was the beauty just now?" Jing Er and the others finally recovered, Jing Er asked in astonishment.

"My personal guard." Xiao Chen said, without explaining too much.

And the words of personal protection alone shocked Bai Wei and others.

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