Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4047: A farce!

Seeing the angry killing the world, Pang Lao took two steps back in a serene manner.

"What's the matter with your Tianxia Gang high-level tokens?" Killing Tianxia asked angrily. In Tianxia Gang, only some high-level people can have Tianxia Gang tokens. He is also respectful to Old Pang because of this.

"I picked it up by accident." Old Pang said in a chattering way.

"You-horse!" Killing the world directly exploded, breathing fire in his eyes, wishing to swallow Pang Laosheng alive.

"It's a farce, but the farce should also be over. Kill the world and calculate us, you will only have a dead end." Xiao Chen said lightly.

When the voice fell, Jiang Fengshu had already started, and no one had seen how Jiang Fengshu did it. However, there was a sword mark on the neck of Killing Tianxia, ​​and he fell directly on the ground, his eyes opened, obviously he couldn't catch his eyes.

Seeing the desperately killing the world, everyone in the house was shocked, and Pang Lao was so scared that his heart burst into a sudden, awkwardly, this one in front of him was a murderous master.

"Spare!" Old Pang knelt on the ground in shock, and the other people knelt on the ground so frightened.

"So timid, I dare to pretend to be a helper of the world, I don't know, I thought you had eaten Xiongxinbaozigu." Xiao Chen sneered.

Old Pang was embarrassed. He only dared to pretend to be in some small gangs and never dared to appear in front of the Tianxia Gang. Overall, his courage was still very small.

"But you have a token from the top level of the Tianxia Gang in your hand, but it's still useful. I believe you are a person of acquaintance." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"If you have anything to do with the hero, even if you tell me, the younger one must go all out." Old Pang was very acquainted and promised righteously.

"Well, in the future you will be a military division of the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance. Now your first task is to gather all the gang leaders, big and small, who have enemies with the Tianxia Gang, in the name of the Tianxia Gang."

Xiao Chen ordered that the Tianxia Gang had a great reputation, and even if these gangs had enemies with the Tianxia Gang, there was no problem in bringing them together in the name of Tianxia Gang.

"Yes." Pang Lao hurriedly replied, regardless of the future, he said to save his life now.

After the order, Xiao Chen and the others left.

"Unexpectedly, killing the world actually wanted to take refuge in the Tianxia Gang, really hell." Geng Bo said speechlessly. He was obviously the strongest gang with the Tianxia Gang, and he wanted to join the Tianxia Gang.

"The gangs big and small in the imperial capital, secretly and secretly, don't know how many eyes of the Tianxia Gang, against Tianxia Gang alliance, the task is heavy and long." Xiao Chen sighed.

"What do you plan to do next?" Geng Bo asked.

"No matter what you do, the prerequisite for everything is your own strength. I will take you to a good place. Let's improve your strength first." Xiao Chen took Geng Bo into the world order.

Geng Bo was surprised for a while, and then started practicing with peace of mind.

Two days later, Liao Luo arrived with a few strong men. These strong men were all the ancient strong men whom Liao Luo contacted, or people related to the ancient strong men. They were all gathered together for the sake of destroyers.

Within the order of the world!

"Sister Liao Luo, it's been a long time." Xiao Chen said hello.

"Kill God, please call me Girl Liao Luo, I'm not familiar with you." Liao Luo said coldly, with no expression on his face and no human touch.

"I know, are you more familiar with Geng Bo? They are so familiar with each other." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

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