Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4043: Weep with joy!

Because they were all cultivators, even if there were many wounds on their bodies, there was no death.

As for these two groups, one of them was to kill the Tianxia Gang, while the other was a subsidiary force of the Tianxia Gang, Qingyun Gang.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. He could see that the strength of the two sides was not much different, but the people who killed the Tianxia Gang were retreating steadily. The main reason was that the weapons in their hands were too poor.

All of the killing world gang's hands are cold weapons, and Qingyun Gang's two or three hot weapons, there is absolutely no way between them.

"Kill, kill all these beasts for me!" In Killing the World Gang, a one-eyed middle-aged man in black was staring at the Qingyun Gang with resentment.

And this one-eyed middle-aged man is also the strongest to kill the world.

"That one-eyed middle-aged man is the leader of the Killing Tianxia Gang, known as Killing Tianxia!" Geng Bo introduced in a low voice.

"How much hatred this person has with the Killing Tianxia Gang, even his name was chosen as Killing Tianxia." Xiao Chen said in surprise.

"Who knows." Geng Bo said, "When will we make the shot?"

"Let's do it now." Xiao Chen took out his veil, hid his breath, and jumped directly onto the street.

"The dog of the Tianxia Gang, everyone is punishable!" Xiao Chen shouted, and the three of them took out Gatlin and fired at the Qingyun Gang.

Suddenly a scream came, and hearing Xiao Chen's voice, the people who killed the Tianxia Gang were immediately excited. They didn't expect that they had reinforcements, and they were still armed with hot weapons, and they fought back frantically.

The Qingyun Gang fell into a disadvantage in an instant, and with a retreat, the members of the Qingyun Gang evacuated here at the fastest speed.

"We won, we won the Qingyun Gang!"

"This is the first time we have won the Qingyun Gang."

The people who killed the Tianxia Gang were so excited, it could even be said that they were crying with joy.

"I am killing the world, thank you three for your help." Killing came down to the three of Xiao Chen and bowed his hands in salute.

"We are anti-Tianxia Gang alliance, the enemy of Tianxia Gang is our allies, you kill Tianxia Gang, do you want to join our alliance?" Xiao Chen invited.

"The Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance, we naturally want to join, but you look like you are too insincere." Killing the world looked at the three people who had never revealed their true colors, and said in a deep voice.

"It's our rudeness." Xiao Chen pulled the veil to reveal his face, and said, "Now we can talk."

"Dare to ask your name? What kind of organization is the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance?" Killing Tianxia bowed his hand.

"The main purpose of the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance is to gather people with lofty ideals who have hatred with Tianxia Gang to fight the Tianxia Gang together. You are the first target we invite." Xiao Chen said.

Killing the world looked at Xiao Chen, pondered for a moment and then said, "This is not a place to talk. Let's go to our resident of the Killing World Gang to talk."

"it is good."

"Here, please." Sha Tianxia brought Xiao Chen and the others to the resident of the Sha Tianxia Gang. In the resident hall, Xiao Chen and Sha Tianxia sat opposite each other.

"Dare to ask Lord Killing God, how many people are there in the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance now?" Killing Tianxia asked.

"At present, only the three of us." Xiao Chen said.

Killing the world is obviously startled, the trio of anti-world gang alliance, this is your sister playing.

"If you are willing to join the Anti-Tianxia Gang Alliance, there won't be anyone." Xiao Chen continued.

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