Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4040: The butler's grievance!

"It's okay to know the old man now, and respect the old man more in the future, you know?" Gan Lao said lightly.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Chen said with a smile, he and the old man are both teachers and friends.

With the old words, Xiao Chen only needed to wait for two days with peace of mind. At this moment, he suddenly saw the figure of the housekeeper, and the little servant before him suddenly sounded.

That little servant is so slippery, maybe it will play an unexpected role, thinking of this, Xiao Chen recruited the housekeeper.

"Master." The butler bowed and saluted.

"Where is the young man I asked you to tie up before?" Xiao Chen asked.

When the housekeeper heard Xiao Chen's questioning, he just raised his head faintly, and said, "That little servant has already left."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes instantly chilled, and he said coldly, "Didn't I ask you to tie him up?"

"They are young master Wen Tianhua's servant, I don't dare to tie them." The butler said lightly.

"What you have said to me is against you, do you think I dare not kill you or I can't kill you?" Xiao Chen's voice became colder and colder.

The steward did not speak, but the inattention on his face exposed his thoughts. Although his identity is a steward, he is also a strong man in the unconfined realm. It is true that Xiao Chen cannot kill him, and he does not believe that Geng Yan will kill because of Xiao Chen. This is why he is a loyal and unconquering powerhouse.

"Very well, Jiang Fengshu, give him an arm, as a warning, if there is a crime, kill without mercy." Xiao Chen said coldly, eyes full of cold light.

When the voice fell, Jiang Fengshu had already started. Before the butler hadn't understood what was happening, he saw a sword light flashing by, and one of his arms had flown out directly.

It took a few seconds before the butler's screams rang, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Hmph, you can do it yourself." Xiao Chen snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"You dare to scrap me, I will definitely ask the master for justice, you will wait for me." Until Xiao Chen and the others walked far away, they could still hear the housekeeper's angry roar.

Soon, the butler came to the hall and asked Geng Yan to complain.

The housekeeper was so old that when he complained, he almost cried, his grievances on his face to the extreme.

Geng Yan was expressionless, just asking what had happened.

"Master, since the master came to the mansion, the little one has been more respectful and respectful to the master. The former master and Wen Tianhua’s little servant clashed, and the little one did not obey the unreasonable request of the master for the safety of the master. , Tied the young man, but he did not expect that because of this, the master cut off the small arm and asked the master to call the shots for the young man."

The housekeeper was extremely wronged. In just a few words, he explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and in just a few words, he also explained how he treated Xiao Chen well, but Xiao Chen did all kinds of unreasonable things. Put eye drops on Geng Yan.

Cao Zhen was also there. Just after listening to the housekeeper’s words, he immediately became angry and said, "Senior sister, it’s too shameful to kill the gods. She wants to tie Wen Tianhua’s young man. Isn’t this going to make the two families conflict? Saying that the butler did not make a big mistake, he broke his arm, which is too unreasonable."

Hearing Cao Zhen speaking for himself, the housekeeper gave Cao Zhen a grateful look. Now that the Wolf Warriors are all standing on his side, he wants to see what to do next to Kill God.

It's just that he didn't know that Cao Zhen and Xiao Chen had a conflict. Cao Zhen didn't speak for the housekeeper, but simply to add to Xiao Chen.

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