Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4037: Lest there be no chaos!

"You know what a shit." Cao Zhen directly exploded, "The leader of the Tianxia Gang, the current emperor, the Eight Great Masters, and the Four Chiefs belong to the Tianxia Gang. You offend the Tianxia Gang. Isn't this looking for death?"

Hearing that, Xiao Chen was not frightened, but said lightly: "It turns out that the emperor used this method to cheat his own people. It seems that the Great Wei State is nothing more than that. Maybe it will be destroyed any time."

"What nonsense are you talking about? If it weren't for the person the senior sister liked, I could kill you with just that sentence." Cao Zhen's face instantly became cold, and he even said that Dawei State was treason.

Cao Zhen's voice is very cold, and she is also a member of the royal family. Naturally, no one is allowed to speak ill of the royal family.

"I can't even tell the truth these years." Xiao Chen said lightly. As for Cao Zhen's threat, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"It's good, kill the gods, right? I want to see how crazy you are." Cao Zhen sneered. She wouldn't say a word if it wasn't for Geng Yan's face, since Xiao Chen She doesn't bother to care about him if she is so reckless.

"Would you like me to come forward and help spread a word for you in the world?" Geng Yan said suddenly.

"Tianxia Gang, it's just a gang, and I, anyway, are also the lord of the sect." Xiao Chen said calmly, got up and left the hall after finishing speaking.

Geng Bo and He Yuan looked at each other, said goodbye, and left the hall.

"Master of a sect, what does he mean?" Cao Zhen was stunned.

"In the remote mountainous area of ​​Haotian City, there is a sect, and he is the sect master of that sect." Geng Yan explained that she didn't talk about breaking the evil sect, and there is one more point, she also knows that even the Guiyue Sect is weak. That is also a sect, at least it can prove that Gui Yuezong has been strong.

"Oh." When Geng Yan said that, Cao Zhen didn't care anymore, but she still said, "Senior sister, although I don't know what you think, you still restrain that kid. There are some things you can't say, and some things. I can’t do it either. Don’t mention the master of the sect. Otherwise, he’ll be unlucky and it’s not good to involve the senior sister.”

Some taboos cannot be triggered. For example, there is only one sect in the Great Wei State. Regardless of whether the sect Xiao Chen is in is big or small, if the people of the sect know it, there is only a dead end.

"Got it." Geng Yan said.

Seeing Geng Yan's nonchalant appearance, Cao Zhen felt uncomfortable. Who is she for?

If Xiao Chen were there, he would definitely scold Cao Zhen for being nosy.

Outside the hall, Geng Bo and He Yuan also caught up with Xiao Chen.

"Third brother, did you really fight with people from Tianxia Gang?" He Yuan asked anxiously.

"Not only did they fight, but a dozen died." Xiao Chen said.

"What, there are more than a dozen dead." He Yuan suddenly became anxious. Fighting is a small matter, and death is a major matter. This is the rhythm of endless dying with the help of the world.

"To kill the **** is to kill the god. Everyone in the Tianxia Gang dared to kill. Next time you want to kill the Tianxia Gang, call me together." Geng Bo patted Xiao Chen on the shoulder with an expression fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"You two are really crazy." He Yuan said helplessly: "There is a saying in the emperor, that is, Ning Ra leads the world, don't mess with the Tianxia Gang. To be honest, I belong to the Tianxia Gang."

"Cao Feng is also from the Tianxia Gang, right? There should also be many disciples of the National Normal University who belong to the Tianxia Gang, and I became Geng Yan’s cultivating partner. You think that even if I don’t mess with the Tianxia Gang, the Tianxia Gang will let go. Me?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

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