Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4034: Anyway, it's two!

The people in the yard shouted angrily, staring at the two Xiao Chen ferociously, as if they were about to eat them raw.

"You Tianxia Gang is really the same as the brown candy. You can't shake it off. If you want to do it, please come." Xiao Chen didn't want to waste time, so he directly drew out the Nine Tribulations Sword, and Jiang Fengshu also took out the Long Sword.

"Boy, are you crazy? This doesn't put my World Gang in the eyes at all." A middle-aged man carrying a big knife came out, staring coldly at Xiao Chen, his breath gushing out. Surprisingly, he is a strong man without confusion.

"To be honest, I really didn't take Tianxia Gang in my eyes. How can you help me." Xiao Chen smiled, he really helped Tianxia Gang.

"I've heard a lot of crazy talk, but your words are the most crazy I've ever heard." The middle-aged man said lightly and pointed the knife in his hand at Xiao Chen, "For your crazy talk, I will use the simplest Way to send you to death!"

"Yes, come on." Xiao Chen pointed at the middle-aged man.

"Hold on, can he give it to me?" At this moment, the young man leaning on the tree suddenly spoke.

Hearing that, everyone was shocked, some looked at the young man in shock, and the middle-aged man was even more surprised: "Jing Er, do you want to do it yourself?"

"Can't it?" Jing Er asked indifferently.

"Of course you can, please." The middle-aged man was obviously a little afraid of Jing Er, smirked, and walked back.

Jing Er smiled, stepped forward, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Can I be your opponent?"

"Jing Er, is this your real name?" Xiao Chen asked suspiciously.

"Yes, there is a problem?" Jing Er raised his eyebrows.

"No, it's just a little weird, how could I have such a strange name." Xiao Chen asked.

"Oh, my surname is Jing, and my grandfather is too lazy to give a name, so my elder brother is Jing Da and I am Jing Er." Jing Er explained patiently.

"Not only are you two in every direction, but you have more than two. How two are you?" Xiao Chen tutted.

"Although I don't know what you mean, it is definitely not a good thing. In other words, you just scolded me, right?" Jing Er frowned.

"You really are a second-hand." Xiao Chen suddenly smiled.

"Very good." Jing Er's eyes sank, and a terrifying aura burst out of his body, and at the same time a suffocating aura surged out.

Astonishment flashed through Xiao Chen's eyes, a decent suffocation, it seemed that Jing Er in front of him had killed many people.

A little bit at Jing Er's feet, the person had already rushed to Xiao Chen, and with a simple straight punch, he hit Xiao Chen.

Although the moves are simple, the strength is not simple. Xiao Chen mobilizes the strength in his body, raising it with a punch, and banging with Jing Er. The next moment, the two of them stepped back five steps at the same time before stopping.

"The cultivation base is not high, but the strength is quite strong." Jing Er said in surprise.

"Although you are quite second, your strength is also good." Xiao Chen said.

"You scold me again." Although Jing Er didn't know what Ting Er meant, he also knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

"I didn't scold you, I was telling the truth, you are really a well, and you are both two." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"You scold me again, I'm the person who holds the most hatred." Jing Erdao, then raised his fist and hit Xiao Chen.

"I really didn't scold you." Xiao Chen said, even though he said so, but his hands were unambiguous, and after fighting with Jing Er, there was a loud bang.

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