Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4029: Annoyed!

"The forces of the Tianxia Gang are really pervasive." Xiao Chen now finally understands how terrible it is to pervasive. Now he is like being rejected by the entire emperor. He is not allowed to enter and sells nothing to him.

If you are on Earth, you may be killed in a few days if you encounter such a thing.

"Master, what should we do now?" Jiang Fengshu asked. Although he found out that the Tianxia Gang was very powerful, he didn't expect it to be so big.

"Forget it, let's do business first." Xiao Chen thought for a while. Tianxia Gang will talk about things later, but obviously Xiao Chen takes it for granted. He doesn't plan to pay attention to Tianxia Gang, but Tianxia Gang does not intend to let him go. .

Before they arrived at their destination, they were blocked by a group of punks, among them the few punks who had touched porcelain before.

This group of punks didn't say anything, and rushed towards Xiao Chen and the other two.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Xiao Chen said coldly, and the two of them entered the flock like tigers.

"Next time I'm looking for trouble, I'll find someone who is strong, and I'm not a person with a good temper. I'm coming to trouble me. I won't be merciful under my hands." Xiao Chen said coldly, this short paragraph I have encountered more than a dozen troubles during the journey, and everyone will be irritable.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, offend our World Gang, your suffering has just begun." The gangsters threw down the threats again, and turned and left.

"Grandma's leg troubled this young master, and this young master killed the World Gang." Xiao Chen was a little annoyed, and then said to Jiang Fengshu: "Contact the people of Poxie Sect, move Xiao Mansion to the imperial capital."

"Good young master."

Xiao Chen and the others continued to move forward, but they had just walked two steps before they encountered the stone-throwing child again.

"Young Master." Jiang Fengshu was also a little annoyed.

"Children are still young, just kill them." Xiao Chen said coldly, good people and bad people regardless of age, some children are more devil than demons, and the methods are a hundred times more cruel than adults.

Jiang Fengshu was stunned. The child is still young, so just kill him? It sounded so awkward, but he was a cultivator, no matter whether he was an adult or a child, he didn’t have any burden to kill. He immediately shot and captured all the children back. Of course, he didn’t really kill, he just beat him. pause.

"You two who killed a thousand knives dare to beat our children. We are going to kill you."

Of course, the consequence of beating children is to provoke a large number of parents. These parents rushed out from both sides. Obviously they lived nearby. As for identity, they have everything. They kill spirits, beasts, and stalls. Private households.

"You two bastards, you dare to hit our child. Our child is so young. If we provoke you, you will put such a heavy hand."

"Kill them to avenge the children."

Several pairs of parents rushed over very fiercely. Xiao Chen didn't have any kindness and beat the parents.

It was all right now, and it completely angered the hornet's nest. The neighbors couldn't watch it anymore, and the passers-by couldn't watch it anymore. Everyone was condemning Xiao Chen and the others. The momentum was huge, and it quickly turned into a large-scale fighting scene.

Xiao Chen was also completely annoyed. No matter whether it was a passerby, a neighbor or his parents, as long as anyone scolded him to do something to him, Xiao Chen would definitely fight back. This is the Primitive Realm, not the earth. There is no need to obey the law, no suppression, no need. Moral kidnapping, as long as you follow your own heart.

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