Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4020: He is sick!

When she came for the first time, she was also very shocked. She didn't expect Xiao Chen to come here for the first time, but she didn't even have any expression at all. This mentality was okay.

When they entered the hall, there were five people sitting in the hall, and four of them were playing mahjong.

Xiao Chen was startled. These five people were just five neuroses, Yin Weiyang, Bao Qianlong, Big Dog, Kitten, and Bun.

Xiao Chen was a little confused, whether the other four neuroses were real people or Yin Weiyang caused them.

"I have seen Master, and several uncles." Cao Zhen and Geng Yan stepped forward and saluted several people respectfully.

"Hey, Xiao Yan'er, you are back." Yin Weiyang looked at Geng Yan in surprise, and then at Cao Zhen, and said: "And Xiao Zhen Zhen, why are you here too?"

"Master, the disciple has something to report." Geng Yan stepped forward.


"The disciple has found a cultivating partner." Geng Yan said.

"What, you found your boyfriend, where, let me see as a teacher?" Yin Weiyang said in surprise, so that he stood up directly.

"It's him." Geng Yan pulled Xiao Chen over.

Yin Weiyang looked at Xiao Chen, the expression of surprise on his face instantly calmed down, then sat back in his seat and said lightly: "No, I don't agree with you being together."

"Let me just say it, he is not worthy of you, Senior Sister, now Master does not agree, Senior Sister, you can give up." Cao Zhen said.

"Master, why?" Geng Yan asked.

"He is sick." Yin Weiyang said.

"Sick?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Yes, he is ill, or neurotic. It is impossible to find a neurotic boyfriend, Xiao Yan'er." Yin Weiyang said earnestly.

"I'm going, Yin Weiyang, who do you think is crazy?" Xiao Chen cried.

"You can play with a neuropathy, you are not a neuropathy or a neuropathy." Yin Weiyang said naturally.

"Yes, patient, let's play, let's play Xitian and learn from the scriptures, okay?" Bao Qianlong stood up, put his arms around Xiao Chen, and said with a hippie smile: "I pretend to be a Tang monk, and you pretend to be a white dragon horse. It must be fun."

"Bao Qianlong, Bald is not necessarily Tang Seng, but Kumozhi," Xiao Chen said.

"What are you going to do to learn from the West, my patient, let's play the drowning game." The big dog also came forward.

"Don't, I can't afford to play, you can do it yourself." Xiao Chen waved his hand hurriedly.

"Your clothes are pretty." The kitten looked at Xiao Chen's clothes with love in her eyes.

"I have better clothes." Xiao Chen directly took out a princess dress, and the kitten happily took it, and then went to enjoy it alone.

"That..." Bun came over.

"I know, let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Xiao Chen took the bun and walked to the side table. With a wave of his hand, a table of wine and vegetables appeared.

There is a crazy upgrade system that is convenient, what is needed, what is there.

"Bun, you're welcome, let's eat." Xiao Chen invited.

"Wow, there are delicious ones, I will eat some too." Bao Qianlong, Daguo, Kitty, and even Yin Weiyang made them.

"You don't want to eat something, I'll treat you." Xiao Chen looked at Geng Yan and Cao Zhen who were a little dumbfounded.

Geng Yan's expression was much calmer, and then walked over, sat down, and ate.

Although Cao Zhen also sat down, he was not so calm, looking at Xiao Chen, then at Yin Weiyang and the others, with a face full of doubts, but he didn't dare to ask.

"That, Master, do you know him?" Cao Zhen fidgeted, and finally couldn't help asking after a long time.

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