Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4017: Let Xiao Chen be a cheetah!

If Geng Yan is really a disciple of the national teacher, isn't she playing on the iron plate? Is there no way to avenge the humiliation suffered today?

"What's going on?" Heihu looked at the goshawk beside him, his face full of doubts.

"She's called Geng Yan, and she is a junior in the same sect as War Wolf. In other words, she is also the apprentice of the Master of the National Normal University, and she is also the former War Wolf." Goshawk introduced.

"What!" Black Tiger looked at Geng Yan in shock. Whether he was the apprentice of the National Normal University or the previous war wolf, every identity shocked him extremely.

"Geng Yan, because of you, the Cheetah Brigade now has no leader, do you want to be the leader?" Cao Zhen asked.

"Just forget it, I'm a blind face, and I can't even recognize people, so I won't make a mess, but this matter is because of me. Otherwise, I recommend someone to be a cheetah, and I will help him. "Geng Yan suggested.

"Who do you want to recommend?" Cao Zhen asked.

"Kill God." Geng Yan pointed to Xiao Chen and said.

"Hey, elder sister, I am your brother. If you don't recommend me, if you recommend others, I am still not your brother." Geng Bo was dissatisfied for a moment.

"You can't do it yet." Geng Yan said without hesitation.

Geng Bo fainted instantly.

"Kill God, come here." Geng Yan beckoned to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen thought for a while and walked over.

Cao Zhen looked at Xiao Chen and frowned slightly, saying: "He can't. Although he has good talent, he can't do it regardless of his cultivation level or strength."

"With me assisting him, what are you worried about?" Geng Yan said.

"Why are you helping him?" Cao Zhen looked at Geng Yan strangely.

"He also counts me as a half apprentice." Geng Yan said.

"Half apprentice, doesn't he want to call me Master Uncle?" Cao Zhen asked in surprise.

"I have never worshipped you as a teacher, nor do I mean to worship you as a teacher." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I said, boy, what are your dissatisfaction with, worship her as a teacher, that is to say, you will be the disciple of the national teacher, you even refused?" Cao Zhen said coldly, with some dissatisfaction on his face.

"So, you don't want to be my apprentice, but you want to be my cultivating partner." Geng Yan said, affirmative.

"What, boy, your toad wants to eat swan meat, you don't look at your virtues, you have a poor cultivation base, and you want to be the sister's cultivator partner, and you can't help yourself." Cao Zhen mocked.

Xiao Chen looked speechless. When did he want to be Geng Yan's cultivating partner, he said helplessly: "I never said that I wanted to be her cultivating partner."

"Boy, even if you are a little self-aware, your cultivation base is low, your strength is weak, and you grow up like that. You'd better not think about what you can't get." Cao Zhen said coldly, looking at Xiao Chen, everywhere. It's not.

"Kill God, you don't want to be my cultivating partner, why?" Geng Yan looked at Xiao Chen with firm eyes, without blinking.

Seeing Geng Yan's gaze, Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. This was a sign of the onset of attachment. If he didn't answer well, it would be endless.

"That, I don't deserve you." Xiao Chen said hurriedly.

"Why?" Geng Yan asked.

"Look, your cultivation level is high, your strength is high, your status is high, and you are beautiful, but my cultivation level is low, my strength is low, and you don't have any status. The long one is just like that, and it's not worthy of you." Xiao Chenjiang He degraded himself, he didn't want to get in trouble.

"But you didn't refuse before, why now you say you are not worthy of me." Geng Yan said coldly.

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