Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4014: Geng Yan's strength!

"Are you stupid? I asked you first." Geng Yan said, she is obsessive by nature. Cheetah didn't answer her question, so how could she answer first.

"I don't care who you are, you dare to disturb the feast of begonias and kill you without mercy!" Cheetah said coldly, as the voice fell, an unspeakable aura burst out, and the terrifying aura shocked everyone.

"It's over, Master Cheetah is angry."

"Master Cheetah is going to make a full shot, those two people are dead!"

"It's really overwhelming to dare to attack the leader!"

"Master, kill them!"

"Kill your sister, you are really long-winded." Geng Yan said coldly.

"Go die!" Cheetah couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Geng Yan with a powerful palm.

"Tiantian Hand!" Geng Yan said coldly, the aura of destruction erupted, raising her hand with a palm, and banging against the cheetah, the terrifying force spread to the surroundings, Xiao Chen, Geng Bo and He Yuan were directly blown out. .

And the cheetah also rubbed a trace on the ground, and stepped back several meters before stopping. There were only three leaders and Geng Yan left in the ring just now.

"Impossible, who are you?" Cheetah stared at Geng Yan, his palm, but with his eight-point strength, how could it be that he himself was beaten into the air.

"Since you don't answer my question, then I will call you to answer." Geng Yan said coldly, "Exterminate the sky, turn hands in a series!"

The voice fell, and the aura of destruction broke out. The cheetah suddenly appeared a few hands around his body, and then the coefficient fell on him. The cheetah suddenly turned into a big sandbag and was beaten by Geng Yan. After everything was over, the cheetah had become blue and swollen.

Everyone on the court was stupid, looking at the cheetah with a blue nose and a swollen face, they couldn't react for a while.

The goshawk and the black tiger were also a little surprised, and the cheetah was unilaterally abused.

As soon as the black tiger's face sank and his breath changed, he wanted to make a move. The cheetah was beaten, not only for the cheetah's face, but also for the face of their special team.

Only at this moment, the Goshawk suddenly grabbed the Black Tiger and shook his head.

Heihu looked at the Goshawk in confusion, a little puzzled.

"Do you know who that woman is?" Goshawk stared at Geng Yan, his eyes flashing complicated.

"Do you know her?" Hei Hu asked puzzled.

"She's Geng Yan." Goshawk said solemnly.

"Geng Yan?" Hei Hu was startled, "I have never heard of it."

"You are still young, it is normal to have never heard of it." Goshawk shook his head.

"If I go, you will be two years older than me. If I am young, what is this." Heihu's face was black.

"I mean when you entered the special team, there are some things you don't know. Next, we just have to watch the cheetah be taught." Goshawk said lightly, and there was still gloating in his voice.

"Does she have something to do with the special team?" Black Tiger frowned slightly. Goshawk grew up from the special team, and he joined the Black Tiger team later. Hearing what Goshawk said, did it happen when he entered the Black Tiger team. Things before.

"I'm going to kill you!" The cheetah roared, and suddenly full of black thorns grew all over his body, and then it spun on the ground frantically, forming a spiked ball, the next moment, facing Geng Yan.

"Dare to answer the wrong question." Geng Yan snorted coldly, and a long sword appeared in her hand, "Tiantian style, one flash!"

Geng Yan didn’t see any movements, she appeared directly behind the cheetah, the cheetah’s spinning spike stopped, and astonishment flashed across her face. The next moment, the iron thorn on her chest was directly cut open, revealing the skin inside. A sword mark was left on the skin, and blood was gushing out.

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