Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 4000: Dangerous look!

"He Zhang!" The one-eyed youth condensed.

"Since you know my name, you dare to challenge me, boy, you have the courage." He Zhang said with a smile.

"No, it was all a misunderstanding just now." The one-eyed young man hurriedly said, with a flattering smile on his face, completely different from the gloomy and indifferent expression before.

Many people were stunned. Did this one-eyed young man learn to change his face? But more people are disdainful, this is a typical bullying and fear of hardship.

"Have you seen it? This is my brother's ability. With just one name, he can scare the enemy into a face." He Yuan said proudly.

Both Xiao Chen and Geng Bo were expressionless. It was not the first time that He Yuan showed off. Whenever He Zhang eliminated a person, he would show off in front of Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was not surprised.

"Misunderstanding?" He Zhang said with a faint smile: "Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, you will be eliminated in the end, so I will send you down now, I think you have no complaints."

When the voice fell, He Zhang's hand exerted force, and the shark-cutting knife in the hands of the one-eyed youth was directly crushed by He Zhang with one hand. Then, in the horrified eyes of the one-eyed youth, He Zhang's claw was caught on the chest of the one-eyed youth and directly caught it. Flying out of the ring.

Another one was solved, He Zhang looked very relaxed, then turned around and looked at Qianmei Yilian: "I just saved you. For the sake of your good looks, I allow you to look like you Xu’s way of repaying his favor."

"I didn't let you save me, it was you who acted passionately." Qianmei Yilian said coldly.

"Oh, it's still a little pepper, I like it." He Zhang grinned and became more interested in Qianmei Yilian.

Under the ring, Xiao Chen was staring at He Yuan with dangerous eyes.

He Yuan's face was full of embarrassment: "Actually, my brother just said that he didn't dare to make any other actions, and you can rest assured that I will teach him personally when he comes down for a while."

"I don't think that is necessary anymore, because Yilian will do it himself." Xiao Chen retracted his gaze, and the situation on the ring has also changed. Xiao Chen originally thought that Qianmei Yilian would directly face He Zhang.

But he didn't expect that because He Zhang's displayed strength made everyone afraid, so under the guidance of the white-clothed youth, everyone else decided to eliminate He Zhang first.

"A group of beam jumping clowns." He Zhang looked at the other people attacking him with disdain, and then flew forward, as if an eagle pounced down, and directly eliminated one person.

Under He Zhang’s hands, the others couldn’t hold on to a move. They were shot one by one. The white-clothed youth hid behind and looked at the He Zhang. It was full of gloom. He did not expect He Zhang to be so strong, even if they besieged, Can not shake the congratulatory badge.

Soon, there were only three people left on the ring, killing all the congratulations, the young man in white hiding behind waiting for an opportunity, and the Qianmei Yilian who had been watching the show.

"I want to consume my stamina through this rubbish, kid, you made a mistake and pay attention." He Zhang looked at the white-clothed youth and sneered. He had already discovered the purpose of the white-clothed youth, but he didn't take it seriously.

The white-clothed youth's face sank, his feet were a little bit, and the soft sword in his hand shook, and a wave of sword light suddenly slashed towards the congratulatory chapter.

He Zhang's face was full of sneers, without dodge or avoid, a pair of eagle claws grabbed directly, and immediately smashed the wave-shaped sword light, and then a little bit at his feet, he had already rushed towards the white-clothed youth.

The white-clothed youth didn't take it hard, but flashed aside at an extremely fast speed, stabbing a sword again.

"Compared with me, you are tenderer."

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