Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3994: To make friends!

He Yuan was stunned and said that he said that, but who would have thought that it would really work, let alone really take some ordinary food to test it.

"It turned out to be like this, but you kid, you already knew this. I said before that it was super-sounding and unwilling to turn back. It turns out that you were prepared." He Yuan said dissatisfiedly. Thinking of this, he felt aggrieved in his heart. But they fought with a mortal heart, and as a result, Xiao Chen and the others already knew how to deal with Baozi.

"I met before." Xiao Chen said casually.

"Oh, by the way, my name is He Yuan, the Emperor He family, how do you two call?" He Yuan asked.

"Haotiancheng, Geng Bo." Geng Bo said.

"Haotiancheng, kill the gods." Xiao Chen said.

"Brother Geng Bo, Brother Killer, let's not know each other, how about making friends?" He Yuan faintly stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Hearing He Yuan’s words, all his team members were shocked. He Yuan is one of the eight great masters of the Imperial Capital. He’s famous Tianjiao. He usually has his eyes above the top. For other Tianjiao, he doesn’t even look at him. In the Imperial Capital It is famous for being proud.

But what they saw, they saw the extremely arrogant He Yuan, and took the initiative to make friends, which was incredible for them.

But thinking of the previous battle, they understood that He Yuan recognized the two of them. Both of them came from fringe cities. It was a rare honor to be recognized by He Yuan. Thinking of this, they looked at Geng Bohe. Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with envy.

Xiao Chen and the others naturally didn't know what these people thought. If they wanted to know, they would have no choice but to laugh.

Naturally, Xiao Chen and Geng Bo would not refuse He Yuan's goodwill. At the same time, they stretched out their hands and held the three big hands together.

"We are also considered destined, it is better to take a step forward and simply have a brother of the opposite sex, wouldn't it be fun!" Geng Bo suggested.

"I have no opinion." Xiao Chen said.

"That feeling is good." He Yuan said.

Just do what they say, and the three directly became brothers of the opposite sex. Xiao Chen's cultivation base was the lowest and became the third, Geng Bo and He Yuan. Because of the position of the boss, the quarrel was very fierce, and finally they just started.

"It's fighting, come on!" Xiao Chen looked at the lively expression, and also called Qianmei Yilian and others to watch the lively together.

The two of them were of equal strength, and after a long time they didn't know the outcome. In the end, they were the big brothers at the same time, and only Xiao Chen was the younger brother.

Xiao Chen was depressed. Looking at the depressed Xiao Chen, the two of them felt balanced.

"Third brother, these people just asked you for trouble, do you need your elder brother to help you teach them?" He Yuan pointed to the tall young man in the periphery.

Hearing that, the complexion of the tall young people and others changed, cold sweat was already oozing on their foreheads. Not long ago, they were still gloating. Unexpectedly, when they turned their heads, they fell into a tragedy.

"Teach them, I'm afraid of dirty hands." Xiao Chen said.

"Yes, this is a group of wastes, and they don't even know how to resist. Just such a group of wastes wants to be stronger. I think it can only be a dream." He Yuan said disdainfully. Their blocking was originally intended to be agitated. The **** nature of the testers, unexpectedly, the tall young people and others, not only did not arouse their bloodliness and unwillingness, but instead made them become self-willed and degenerate, and would not even resist.

He Yuan dismissed these people very much, so he blocked them many times. Of course, there was no change in the ending. Every time these people met them, they would take the initiative to stop and let them fight.

Xiao Chen and the others ignored the tall young man and the others, and left straight away, while He Yuan and others acted as guards.

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