Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3987: Geng Yang's tragic situation!


Then this Tianjiao walked to Qianmei Yilian in Yun Sheng's stunned gaze, and handed Gatling into Qianmei Yilian's hands, and was then put away by Xiao Chen.

After this Tianjiao returned to the original place, he woke up, looking at his empty hand, stunned.

"Do you understand?" Qianmei Yilian asked.

"Are you a special ability?" Yun Sheng said solemnly.

"No, it's Meishu!" Qianmei Yilian said, with pride in her voice.

"Magic." Yun Sheng murmured: "That's how it is."

"So now, do you want to continue to fight?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Fart!" Yun Sheng yelled, how could he hit him? Even the weapons were given to the enemy, so what else would they use to hit him?

"Get out of the way!" Yun Sheng said angrily, and then everyone got out of the way.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said.

"You really have a relationship with City Lord Geng Yan?" Yun Sheng asked again when Xiao Chen and others were about to leave.

"He is really the younger brother of City Lord Geng Yan." Xiao Chen pointed to Geng Bo.

"He is really Geng Yan's man!" Geng Bo also pointed at Xiao Chen.

As the voice fell, the group of people had drifted away.

Yun Sheng looked at the disappearing figure, and suddenly thought of something, "Geng Bo, it turned out to be him. I didn't expect that he would come back. It seems that the emperor will be lively in the future, but who is that kid, really and Geng Yan? Does seniors matter?"

Yun Sheng thought for a while, followed Xiao Chen and the others, Xiao Chen and the others also felt the existence of Yun Sheng and the others, but they didn't pay attention to it. They didn't walk long before they suddenly heard a scream.

Hearing the screams, everyone was startled, and then hurried forward, and in front, something terrible happened.

I saw the four of Geng Yang, who had just left, fell miserably in a pool of blood, but they were not dead, but more miserable than death. They were as if they had been bitten by a beast, and there was no good place.

And beside them, there was a young girl who was wiping the flesh and blood around her mouth, her face full of ignorance.

"Baozi!" Xiao Chen recognized the girl at a glance, who else could be besides the bun, but compared to what he had experienced, Bao Qianlong, Big Dog Cat, and Baozi were very measured, and few people died. In their hands.

"What's going on?" Everyone was surprised.

But at this moment, Baozi also spotted Xiao Chen and the others. Crazy eyes fell on Xiao Chen and them. Looking at Baozi's crazy eyes, Xiao Chen knew that Baozi was now in a sick state.

"Save us." Geng Yang also spotted everyone and asked Yun Sheng for help.

Yun Sheng seemed to have not heard Geng Yang's cry for help. He just looked at Baozi, his body was trembling, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. The next moment, he yelled: "Run!"

When the voice fell, Yun Sheng and the others turned around and ran. After they ran out, they found that Xiao Chen and others hadn't moved. They hurriedly shouted, "Do you want to die? Run!"

"Aren't we running?" Daolong looked at Xiao Chen and asked. Even the arrogances of the emperor capitals like Yuncheng fled in fright. One can imagine how dangerous the young girl in front of him is.

"You don't need to run, don't worry, Shanren has a clever plan." Xiao Chen smiled.

And just as his voice fell, the buns had already moved and appeared in front of them at an incredible speed. Xiao Chen had been prepared for a bun in his hand and threw it directly into the bun's mouth.

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