Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3974: Don't admit it!

Looking at this scene, I don't know why, Xiao Chen wants to laugh very much. Can you think of those scenes where all the arrogant geniuses show charity smiles?

Everyone showed a charitable smile and passed by Bao Qianlong. Bao Qianlong was not making a move, and soon everyone successfully passed.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said, since everyone has passed through the canyon, there is no need to stay, just at this moment, a few people stopped Xiao Chen and their way.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen frowned and asked.

"Hand over the rough stone we gave you just now." said one of the young people.

"Why?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Boy, for such a simple method, you just accept us fifty rough stones, don't you think it's too much?" the young man said coldly.

"Don't think, we don't know each other. You exchange information with me with rough stones. This is an equal exchange. How could it be too much." Xiao Chen said in confusion.

"Boy, don't talk so much nonsense, hand over the rough stone obediently and don't force us to do it." The young man said coldly. Fifty rough stones are nothing to them, but they feel that it is a shame to take out the rough stones like this. I was very upset.

"It turns out that you want to admit it or not, but it doesn't matter. When the rough stone in my hand is in, there is no reason to hand it over. If you want to do it, then come." Xiao Chen took out nine knives, and everyone else took out one after another. Weapon, staring coldly at the youth and others, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Xiao Chen and his party, plus Daolong's and his party, there were nearly twenty people, and the breath exuding at the same time was extremely powerful. The youth and others stiffened instantly, their numbers were not dominant, and they were a little unwilling to look at others. Person: "Are you willing to be blackmailed by this kid?"

"Hey, what do you mean by this? When did I blackmail? Be careful. I sue you for slander. I am obviously a reasonable deal." Xiao Chen was immediately unhappy. Where he has blackmailed, at best it is robbed by fire. No, it is not right. , He is just trading, trading.

"I said you are enough. I said it before, but now I regret it. What a hero, and everyone is the pride of the world in major cities. I feel ashamed for you all."

Some people can't stand it anymore, and they don't need to be shameless, and even confuse them, and suddenly they are dissatisfied.

"Yes, isn't it fifty rough stones? There is a kind of you don't use that method to break through the level!"

“It’s shameless to use other people’s methods without being grateful.

Disdainful voices sounded all around, and the youth and others' expressions instantly turned ugly. He didn't expect to encounter so many people's opposition. Although most people were blackmailed by Xiao Chen and felt a little unhappy in their hearts, they were all major cities. Tianjiao has not fallen to the point where he is taking it back.

It's not allowed in face.

"We are from Hengling City, we remember you, you will wait for me." The youth and others left a cruel word to Xiao Chen, and left with shame.

"Let's go, too." Xiao Chen didn't care about the threat to the youth at all, and then they also left here, and the lively canyon just became deserted.

After leaving the gorge, I walked for about a few hours and came to Dachuanhe.

Xiao Chen looked at the Dachuan River, which was not so wide, and thought of the big dog. He didn't know if there was a dog who liked to drown people under the water in this Dachuanhe.

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