Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3958: peace brings money!

"I can beat this desert scorpion king to the ground alone, so I am afraid that the five of you will not succeed." Xiao Chen said coldly. Yin Weiyang had been hiding in the dark, so the five did not notice the existence of Yin Weiyang.

"If you defeat a desert scorpion king, will you make you so arrogant, kid, don't be too arrogant, otherwise you can't afford the consequences." The Qingpao youth said coldly, while a golden long bow appeared in his hand. Aimed at Xiao Chen.

"Golden Shaman Bow, if you want to grab the boss, just say it, don't have to spend so much time." Xiao Chen looked at the long bow in Qingpao youth's hand and sneered. This bow he had browsed in the inventory of the guide elf.

The Qingpao youth's face sank, and he said coldly: "It seems that you also know about guiding the elves, so it's easy to say, this boss is our favorite, if we know it, let it out."

The expressions of the other four people also became cold. They came to grab the boss. Since Xiao Chen already knew their intentions, they didn't bother to pretend.

"If you say yes, then let me have no face." Xiao Chen said coldly.

"It seems that you are looking for death." The Qingpao youth said coldly, and the others took out their weapons one after another, preparing to do it.

Xiao Chen was about to take out Gatlin, and suddenly these people suddenly rushed over. Suddenly a little fat man ran over, and while running, he shouted: "Don't do it, don't do it. If you have something to say, you can make money with peace."

Hearing the sound, everyone frowned and looked at the little fat man who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?" The Qingpao youth asked coldly.

"Hello, big brothers, little brother Bao Qianlong, I have met several big brothers." Bao Qianlong bowed his hands to everyone, with a friendly attitude, "Big brothers, we are all contestants of the Begonia Feast, here is for us It is unfamiliar. We should unite and cooperate and walk out of the small garden together, instead of a civil war, which will consume our strength for nothing. What do you think?"

"Fatty, are you stupid? Since we are all contestants of the Begonia Feast, it means that we are competing with each other. What's wrong with eliminating competitors on the road of selection?" Qingpao youth said coldly. .

"There is nothing wrong, but the younger brother thinks it's better to be kind and make money." Bao Qianlong said with a smile.

"Go away and make money with your qi, long-winded, even kill you." The Qingpao youth looked at Bao Qianlong's hippie smiling face, and suddenly became impatient.

"Harmony is so good to make money, why kill each other, why kill each other." Bao Qianlong said in a low voice, his voice getting lower and lower, and more and more gloomy.

Everyone looked at Bao Qianlong, not knowing what illness Bao Qianlong was suffering from.

Suddenly at this moment, Bao Qianlong took out an object and raised it at the Qingpao Youth and the others, instantly turning it into a net, trapping all the five Qingpao people in it.

"What is this!" Looking at the net that trapped them, Qingpao and others began to struggle, but soon they discovered that the net was so strong that they couldn't break it.

"Fatty, let us go quickly, otherwise we won't let you go." Qingpao Youth and others threatened the Fatty.

"Is it not good to make money with harmony? Why are you killing each other?" Bao Qianlong seemed to question Qingpao Youth and the others, and he seemed to be talking to himself, his expression low and terrible.

"Why does this fat man seem to be sick?" Xiao Chen looked at Bao Qianlong's appearance and suddenly had this idea.

"Fatty, let us go!" The Qingpao youth called.

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