Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3948: Seen through!

Moreover, Liang Le didn't say anything about Shifu, but regardless of whether Liang Lezheng said it or not, when Daolong saw Xiao Chen for the first time, he gave up his plan to kill Xiao Chen in the small garden.

"Oh, why?" Xiao Chen was surprised this time.

"I have seen your face, or I have seen it in ancient books." Daolong smiled mysteriously.

"Have you seen this face of me in the classics?" Xiao Chen was stunned, not only him, but also the others.

"He is not a celebrity, how could he have seen it in the classics." Geng Bo curled his lips. In history, some people who have made great contributions to mankind, or big demons, or have done big things, will be recorded by posterity Come down and form classics for future generations to admire.

Geng Bo checked Xiao Chen's details. Although Xiao Chen was the Sect Master of Poxie Sect, he was not an ancient powerhouse, but came from a transit station. How could he appear in the classics, even if there were no similar ones.

Daolong didn't answer Geng Bo's words. Instead, he glanced at the second sister Lan behind Xiao Chen, and said meaningfully: "You two look very similar. Are you a sibling?"

"No, we have nothing to do." Xiao Chen said, his eyes became a bit deep.

"What kind of look are you, how do they resemble them, and return your sister and brother." Geng Bo sneered.

Daolong still didn't reply, and smiled meaningfully at Xiao Chen.

"You are a person with special abilities," Xiao Chen said suddenly.

"Forget it, although sometimes it's tasteless, but sometimes it's quite useful." Daolong smiled faintly.

"That's the case." Xiao Chen said, Daolong said that he had seen his face, it should be his true face, that is, the true face of the **** of war Xiao Chen, the system produced it, must be a fine product, his face has changed, Geng Yan and others I couldn't see it, but the sword dragon saw it. Apart from those with special abilities, Xiao Chen couldn't think of any other reasons.

"Although the city lord wants us to kill you, I want to cooperate with you more, how about it, do you want to cooperate?" Daolong smiled.

"It's so happy." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Kill the gods, didn't you just refuse Liang Lezheng before, why are you now cooperating again?" Geng Bo said.

"At this moment and then, I was saying that it was Liang Lezheng that I refused, and that it was Daolong who cooperated. There is no conflict between these." Xiao Chen said.

"You have many reasons." Geng Bo snorted, but it doesn't matter if he cooperates or not. After all, with his cultivation base, cooperation or not, there will be no questions.

Everyone soon came to the end of the passage. At the end of the passage, there was a portal. Without stopping, everyone walked into the portal.

Only after entering the portal, the scene in front of Xiao Chen suddenly changed. He seemed to have come to an ancient jungle, surrounded by old trees, strangely shaped stones, and difficult stone paths.

"Welcome to the small garden, find the ancient castle, enter the portal of the ancient castle, and then pass. Note that the original power cannot be used in the small garden. Good luck."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded, as if introducing a wizard. After speaking, there was no sound.

"Where is the ancient castle? You gave me a map." Xiao Chen said speechlessly. He seems to be in the middle of the tropical rain forest. He can't tell the direction at all. He doesn't know where to go, let alone the so-called ancient castle. The most important thing is that after entering the portal, they are scattered, he is only one person now.

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