Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3932: Punch!

Fengshen legs are the strongest stunt of his Bai family. With Bai Yunshi and Lijing cultivation base, even those who are one or two levels higher than him can still leapfrog the challenge. However, Zhu Dachang only has the first life state, but he catches Bai Yunshi. Yun's Fengshen legs, how could Patriarch Bai family not be shocked.

Of course, Bai Yun on the ring was naturally shocked. At this moment, Zhu Dachang punched him, Bai Yun flashed out like wind.

Zhu Dachang took the opportunity to return to the middle of the ring and patted his chest with a look of rejoicing: "I was scared to death. I almost fell out of the ring. You are quite strong!"

Hearing Zhu Dachang's words, Bai Yun was not at all happy to be praised, but was full of aggrievedness. He finally felt what it was like to be praised by a person with a low cultivation base.

Bai Yun didn't speak, and went straight into the air, and then a breeze flashed, Bai Yun seemed to appear from all directions, Fengshen's legs started with full force and kicked Zhu Dachang with fierceness.

"What a fierce leg, what an elegant figure." Xiao Chen admired secretly, it seems that soon, he will be able to use Fengshen legs.

On the ring, Bai Yun's figure is elegant and his legs are sharp, while Zhu Dachang is not moving like a bell. A beautiful offensive and defensive battle is perfectly displayed to everyone.

Half an hour later, there was still no winner or loser in the arena, and both of them were a bit exhausted. The strong man from the City Lord's Mansion looked at Geng Bo and asked, "Master, what should I do now?"

"Do you still have to ask me, the challenge fails and the challenger continues. This is the rules of the ring." Geng Bo said lightly.

"Yes!" The City Lord's Mansion nodded, and then directly announced: "The Killing God Mansion challenge failed, Bai Family Bai Yun will continue to defend!"

Bai Yun's face was a bit ugly. He had no power to fight a battle. Naturally, this ring could not be defended, so he directly announced his abandonment. In the second ring match, no champion was born.

Both Bai Yun and Zhu Dachang were recovering with all their strength, and at this moment, Luo Chang stepped onto the ring.

"It's killing God's Palace again, and it's also the beginning of life realm cultivation base."

"I don't know what this one will do."

"The challenge begins!" As the voice of the strong man in the city lord's mansion fell, there was already a young man who had jumped onto the ring. The young man had the same level of cultivation as Luo Chang, but the young man was not of the three major forces.

After the battle began, the youth was punched out of the ring by Luo Chang, and the audience was in an uproar.

Then, the second challenger, the third challenger, even the challenger of the He family, was defeated by Luo Chang!

"Kill God Mansion, Kill God Mansion!"

The crowd yelled.

"Kill God's Mansion!" Geng Yang gritted his teeth, "let you be happy for a while, I will make you deadly ugly for a while."

Soon, Luo Chang had already defeated nine challengers. As long as he was able to win one challenger, he was considered successful. At this moment, Geng Yang slowly stepped onto the ring.

"It's Young Master Geng Yang, is he going to challenge the killing of God's Mansion?"

"I don't know whether the killer of God's Mansion can continue the previous classics and solve the enemy with one punch."

"How is that possible? That's Young Master Geng Yang. I think the one who loses must be the killer of God's Palace!"

There was a lot of discussion, but most of them hoped that Luo Chang could continue the front and solve the enemy with one punch, which would undoubtedly leave a strong fortune on Haotian City.

"Little girl, your good luck is over." Geng Yang said lightly while looking at Luo Chang.

"Boss, can I use my full strength?" Luo Chang ignored Geng Yang, but looked at Xiao Chen.

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