Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3921: It's a bit slow!

The indifferent young man stepped on his feet and rushed to Xiao Chen's body, with a powerful palm hitting Xiao Chen's Tianling Gai, fast and powerful, obviously the indifferent young man had used his full strength.

"The speed is a little slower." Xiao Chen moved a little under his feet, and the whole person moved horizontally out, and the indifferent young man shot a blank.

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, the indifferent young man had appeared in front of Xiao Chen again, punching out, Xiao Chen's return to the moon body technique was activated, and the indifferent young man once again punched out.

The afterimages of Xiao Chen were all over the ring, and the indifferent youth kept making moves, one after another disappeared under his fist, but he could not touch Xiao Chen's real body at all.

"Damn, who said the third trick, this kid will definitely die, there are so many tricks."

"This kid only knows how to run away."

"I don't like to listen to what you said. There is a way for you to go up and try, and you can escape under the power of the realm. That is also a great ability."

There was noisy noise under the ring, and Geng Yang's expression was ugly to the extreme. He glanced at the proud Geng Bo, and said lightly: "No wonder you dare to agree to my challenge. It turns out that this kid has a set of good physical skills, but The body is fast, it is only inferior, and when the strength is exhausted, there is only a dead end."

"Oh, I know, but who will be exhausted in the end is still unknown." Geng Bo said lightly.

"Hmph, my people will definitely win." Geng Yang snorted, his eyes returned to the ring again.

"Boy, don't run, and fight me head on." The indifferent young man said solemnly.

"Hey, do you want to point your face, you are a strong one in the standing realm, and I'm only a strong three in the beginning and destiny realm, you let me fight you head-on?" Xiao Chen sneered.

The indifferent young man's face sank, "I didn't want to use it, you forced me."

When the voice fell, the indifferent young man suddenly slapped on the ground, and the entire ring was shaking. Then, the four sides of the ring suddenly rolled up and gathered towards the middle.

Xiao Chen looked at the rolled-up ring. The indifferent youth obviously wanted to block Xiao Chen's range of activities, making his speed completely useless.

Xiao Chen wanted to rush out, but unfortunately it was too late. The ring that was rolled up around formed a space of about two or three meters, trapping Xiao Chen and the indifferent youth in it.

"Now, how do you run?" The indifferent young man stared at Xiao Chen coldly.

"Since there is no way to run, then don't run." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Then you go and die." The indifferent young man yelled coldly, and punched Xiao Chen.

"Meteor Fire Fist!" Xiao Chen said lightly, and his whole body suddenly burned into flames. Xiao Chen punched out, and suddenly there appeared fireballs like meteorites, spraying towards the sky, when they met the top After the stone wall, he returned.

As a result, the entire space was filled with fireballs, which burned directly, engulfing the two of them, and at the same time blocking the outside view.

"What's the matter, why can't you see anything."

"The power of the move just now seems a bit extraordinary, and I don't know what stunt is it?"

"Meteor Fire Fist!" Geng Yang murmured, and then looked at Geng Bo: "You actually spread the Meteor Fire Fist and other stunts casually?"

"My man, I am willing." Geng Bo said calmly.

"Hmph, when my cousin leaves the customs, I will see how you explain it." Geng Yang said solemnly. Although he was surprised that Geng Bo passed the strongest skill of the City Lord's Mansion to Xiao Chen, he was even more surprised that Xiao Chen even finished his cultivation.

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