Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3914: Qi Jue Sword Extinguish Heaven!

"Can't it?" Xiao Chen said.

"It's really looking for death, but don't kill him, he's still useful."'Xiao Chen' said coldly, the voice fell, and the cold eyes of the other two had fallen on Xiao Chen.

"A Trivial Beginning Fate Realm Triple Level, and also want to resist us, it seems that we have to teach him what reality is." One of them walked slowly towards Xiao Chen, pinching his fingers, smiling, obviously thinking Give Xiao Chen a profound lesson.

Jiujie Sword appeared in his hand, Xiao Chen's momentum instantly changed, with a murderous intent in his loneliness, looking at the figure slowly approaching, Xiao Chen turned forward, and the Jiujie Sword in his hand also followed. , Suddenly a majestic sword intent, like a tens of thousands of horses galloping towards the strong man.

" it...impossible!"

Looking at Xiao Chen's knife, the face of'Xiao Chen' showed incredible expression.

And this strong man felt the majestic sword intent, his whole person seemed to be tied with a hammer, unable to move a step, his face was full of shock and despair.

The next moment, Xiao Chen's figure fell, and the strong man had been divided into two, leaving only a life core, and quickly disappeared.

"How is it possible!" The other strong man was dumbfounded.

"Mietian Qijue Sword! How could it be the Mietian Qijue Sword? Did Geng Bo teach you the Mietian Qijue Sword? How could it be possible!" Xiao Chen shook his head and said silently.

"Mietian Qijue Knife, is this the real name of Geng Bo's sword technique? It is domineering." Xiao Chen looked at the fake Xiao Chen on the opposite side, but what did the Mietian Qijue Knife come from? Why was the fake Xiao Chen so shocked?

"Now can we talk about it, or maybe you two still want to learn about my knife skills." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Who are you?" fake Xiao Chen asked.

"I should ask you this. You arrested me because you wanted to replace me. Who are you? What is the purpose?" Xiao Chen shook the Jiujiadao in his hand and asked lightly.

The fake Xiao Chen and the other strong man looked at each other, and the other strong man rushed towards Xiao Chen, while the fake Xiao Chen had already fled away.

Xiao Chen held the Jiujie Knife in an upright position and looked at the strong man who had attacked him. He suddenly stabbed forward, and suddenly a blade of light passed through the strong man's body.

A little bit from Xiao Chen's feet, he rushed towards the fake Xiao Chen.

"What's the origin of that kid? How can Geng Bo teach him the Mietian Qijue Sword!" Fake Xiao Chen ran away, but couldn't figure it out in his heart. The Mietian Qijue Sword has an extraordinary origin, and countless strong people want to get it. Let them know that a triple ant in the Beginning Destiny Realm mastered the Qi Jue Sword of Extinguishing Heaven, and I wonder what they would think.

"I must send the news back." Fake Xiao Chen gritted his teeth.

"Where do you want to run." At this moment, Xiao Chen had fallen in front of the fake Xiao Chen, looking at the fake Xiao Chen indifferently.

"Trash, I didn't even delay the time." The fake Xiao Chen cursed secretly, staring at Xiao Chen, and said: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I wanted to ask about your purpose before, but now you don't need it. No matter what your purpose is, it doesn't matter to me." Xiao Chen didn't have any nonsense, and the knife fell in his hand, and a head had already flown out.

The fake Xiao Chen's face was full of stunned, obviously he couldn't think that he would die here.

"You were really ruthless when you started. You didn't leave any. Do you know who you killed just now?" At this moment, a faint voice suddenly sounded.

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